THE record high prices on offer across all categories again attracted more cattle online this week, with the AuctionsPlus offering up 34 percent to 18,617 head. This comes on top of a 33pc increase the week before.
Given this was the highest weekly offering since the final week of May, the overall clearance remained encouraging, with most categories averaging higher on last week.
There seems to be very few fresh ways to explain the record rise in the EYCI over the past year, other than “1000c/kg cwt”. Rain, a generational low breeding herd and confidence building on confidence has now driven the cattle market to a level that 18-month-ago would have been thought impossible. With the most recent outlook from the BOM looking at a sustained wet period heading into spring, the probability for the market to remain at recent levels has strengthened.
Demand for steers with plenty of time ahead of them in the paddock remains at fever pitch, as numbers remain extremely scarce. While a very strong dairy cattle influence had the lightest steer category (less than 200kg) down on last week, most heavier categories averaged higher. The largest category, 280-330kg, averaged 10c/kg higher on last week, at 570c – with an 80pc clearance for the 2126 head offered.
An indicative line of 70 weaned Angus steers out of Central NSW averaging 276kg liveweight, sold to $1900/head.
With 846 head offered, the 400kg+ steer category jumped 28c/kg on last week, to average 502c/kg, with a 96pc clearance.
Young heifers contributed to most of the increase in supplies this week, with 3331 head offered in the 200-280kg head category, compared to 1824 head the week before. The 83pc weekly increase had no impact prices, averaging 8c/kg higher at $594c/kg. Prices increased for the all heifer categories this week, with the heaviest lines registering a clearance of 97pc for the 483 head offered, up 39c/kg on the week before.
Some outstanding lines of PTIC cows pushed prices higher this week, up 55c/kg to average 522c/kg, despite a 49pc jump in offerings to 1877 head. PTIC heifers fell 8c/kg to average 547c/kg, with a 73pc clearance for the 1426 head offered.
Among larger lines sold this week, long-time AuctionsPlus user RG Keats & Co from Julia Creek, northwest Queensland, offered two lines of Beefmaster type heifers totalling 200 head, 23-30 months. The heavier end averaging 351kg made 499c/kg or $1750 a head. Further south, a line of 85 Angus x Romagnola F1 heifers 32-35 months averaging 501kg from Codrilla Pastoral Co made 502c/kg or $2520 a head.
In this week’s weaner and yearling sale, a nice line of 103 Angus composite heifers 8-15 months averaging 3220kg off Russell Pastoral Co’s Champion Station, Blackall made 566.3c/kg to return $1810 a head.
Prices as at 2pm Friday.
Source: AuctionsPlus, Stocklive