
NVLX Wodonga sale 11 Aug 2015: trade market continues buoyant run

Leann Dax 12/08/2015

An influx of mixed quality cattle at NVLX Wodonga created some mixed price trends yesterday in a yarding of 1755 head, 525 more than the previous sale.

The trade cattle market in places continued its buoyant run with all major domestic processors competing for the better finished trade and export cattle.

The best price recorded was 373.2c/kg for medium weight vealer steers. The better finished milk calves were quoted 3c dearer. Any milk calves which lacked finish sold to feedlot buyers and restockers however, eased by 8-20c/kg.

After some big gains last week trade heifers sold 10c cheaper making from 301-355.6c with a single pen of medium weight European heifers reaching a top price of 365.2c/kg. Medium weight heifers averaged 337.4c while the lighter weights averaged 323c/kg.

There was a very good line up of supplementary fed steers which attracted strong competition, while grass finished lines mostly sold to feedlot orders. Well finished trade steers values were unchanged selling from 330-358.2c to average348.7c/kg.

Secondary steers suitable to feed on sold to varying price trends. Lighter weight steers lacked the competition from northern restockers this week, which impacted significantly on values. Well-bred lighter weight steers 280-320kg made from 285-332c slipping 20c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers 400-500kg sold to strong local feedlot demand with prices firm to 6c dearer selling from 312-342c/kg.

Secondary yearling heifer prices tapered off up to 26c/kg, a combination of plainer quality and less feedlot demand. Heifers 280-320kg sold from 280-295c to average 286c/kg.

A highlight of the sale was a lift in values for Bullocks, with prices lifting 10c/kg. The better finished younger bullocks made from 330-343.2c/kg. A major domestic supermarket was keen to secure the top end of the heavy grown steers 500-600kg which were unchanged. Prices hit a high of 363.6c/kg, while most of the better finished steers sold from 330-348c/kg.

After some impressive weeks the cow market lost traction, with agents offering 1010 cows and 55 bulls. Prices were in general 5-10c cheaper. Heavy well finished cows offering buyers weight and yield made from 269-298c/kg. Leaner grades ranged from 248-287c to average 257.6c/kg. Plainer cows sold from 218-245c/kg. Heavy bulls sold to solid competition making from 280-302c/kg


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