NVLX Wodonga followed the same cheaper trends at other selling centres. There were prices falls of 2-4c for trade and export cattle as domestic and export processor demand dropped away from last week’s levels.
A contributing factor was price resistance across trade and heavy steer categories 500-600kg from some domestic processors.
Vealers with finish continued to trade at steady levels however, the European heifer portion did lift 10c, while other categories were mostly unchanged. The better finished vealer to slaughter sold from 312-347c/kg.
In the yearling trade run processor competition did step up for the supplementary fed portion to access better finish and quality. But even with a lift in competition prices softened 2c for the steer portion and 3c for heifers. Steers suitable for the trade sold at 312-354c, while the heifer portion made from 294-330c/kg.
The best demand on the day was for well-bred feeder type yearlings weighing from 330-400kg, with a local feedlot pushing prices higher. Feed steers 330-400kg gained 10c making from 323-338ckg.
Meanwhile feeder heifers prices lifted again this week by 5c, but it should be noted the limited supplies aided the dearer trend. Yearling feeder heifers sold from 293-304c/kg.
The National Livestock Reporting Service data show heavy steers and bullock’s tracked 4c/kg lower. One major company operated sporadically preferring only to bid on the Angus portion. The better finished steers and bullocks sold from 280-300c/kg.
Cow numbers increased to 580 however demand from processors was softer and most sales lost 1-4c/kg. The main run of heavy cows sold at 242-262 to average 250c/kg. Leaner types made from 205-245c/kg