
NVLX Wodonga 24 Oct 2017: Trade prices lift

Leann Dax 24/10/2017

This week’s offering of just over 1985 cattle at NVLX Wodonga increased by more than 200. Quality improved notably, with good supplies of top quality domestic trade cattle.

Trade prices lifted as buyers were more intent on competing for a market share on all the better finished lines. Young cattle suitable for the trade generally experienced a 2-6c rise, although there were times where plainer conditioned stock struggled to attract all buyers

European steers and their crosses commanded the better trade prices and steers 400-500kg generally made from 280- 313c averaging 294.6c/kg. Medium weight trade heifers were in better conditioned, which contributed to a rise in demand from some processors. The better finished lines sold from 270-292c to average 279c/kg. Amongst the heifer offering was lighter weight grain assisted European heifers which sold to a top price of 313c/kg.

Vealers were a highlight at the top end, where prices surged up to 19c several pens made from 310-334c/kg. The better price rates however were for select pens which suited domestic orders. Most veal ranged from 288- 315c/kg. Vealers that lacked finish sold to restock and feed orders to average 312c/kg.

Steady feedlot competition saw secondary heifer and steer prices unchanged to dearer. Lighter weight feeder heifers 330-400kg were unchanged to feed on making from 274-282c/kg. Secondary steers where in limited numbers causing prices to lift 14c/kg for the medium weights to average 293c/kg

Prices were steady for Heavy grown steers 500-600kg in a bigger offering than the previous sale. Most of the better finished younger steers made from 280c-295c/kg. Bullock quality varied which didn’t deter buyers with bullocks topping at 293c to average 287c/kg.

Cow numbers continue to remain low with agents offering just on 400 head. Bidding was strong with buyers seeking well finished lines and good clean trade types. The stronger demand saw prices lift 6-13c with heavy cows averaging 240c/kg.


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