
NVLX Wodonga 20 June 2017: Market feels drying season

Leann Dax 20/06/2017

Cattle prices continued to cheapen at NVLX Wodonga from recent levels in early trade this week.

Losses of 10-30c were recorded as the market felt the pressure from the drying season and poor outlook further into winter. Trade cattle were hit by the price corrections, with the main category of steer’s 400-500kg dipping 14c/kg. The limited supply making from 290-310c/kg. Lighter weight trade steers to slaughter fetched 285-359c/kg, with the top price steers having been supplementary fed

A similar downward trend was experienced in the vealer run, with the heifer portion to feed falling 30c/kg mostly due to less feedlot orders. The bulk of the secondary heifers to feed on ranged from 300-340c/kg.

The top vealers in the offering ignited bidding lifting 10c and buyers paid from 345-385c while calves lacking some finish sold at 300-338c/kg.

Trade heifers were in reasonable number; however some pen lots failed to attract competition. The bulk of the heifers 400-500kg sold from 270-314c to average 293c/kg.

Meanwhile the cheaper trend was evident for lighter weight secondary steers and heifers returning to the paddock. The fall in prices was triggered by the dry season and forecast for little rain in coming weeks. Steers returning to the paddock sold from 282-354c/kg. An exceptional pen of well-bred Angus steers estimated to weigh 250kg topped at $1000 per head. The light weight heifer portion fetched 288-312c/kg.

In the export run two major exporters dominated sales, with domestic processor demand sporadic. The main run of heavy steers 500-600kg sold from 266-306c/kg. Bullocks sold from 265-288c/kg with only limited numbers in each agent’s run offered.

The cow market sold to solid demand, with heavy cows unchanged to 3c easier making from 236-256c/kg. Leaner types also eased 3c selling at 215-246c/kg. Plain cow’s fetched 187-201c/kg. Well shaped bulls sold 6c higher making from 26-300c/kg


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