At NVLX Wodonga numbers dropped significantly, with only 2200 cattle yarded.
A shortage of export cattle at major selling centres gave the market greater momentum this week, with prices improving by up to 5c/kg. The dearer trend was obvious at the commencement of the sale with top quality younger lines of heavy grown steers 500 -600kg in limited supply. Heavy grown steers’ ignited the bidding amongst domestic and export processors early in the sale to record a top price of 310c to average 292c/kg. The better runs of bullocks consistently made from 280c-298c/kg.
Another strong sale was for of the heavy heifer portion where heifers weighing 500-600kg made up to 289c/kg. Most of the better shaped pens were unchanged selling from 266c to 287c/kg.
The trade market experienced a boost to prices as buyers struggled to compete against the higher rates offered by feedlots. Medium weight grass finished steers lifted 6c, with domestic buyers paying to a top of 316c/kg. The better finished steers made from 292c-314c/kg. There was strong competition for trade heifers which lifted rates 3c/kg. The biggest influence on the price increase was caused by stronger northern feed lot competition.
Vealers were in short supply and quality was good to fair, with some pen lots lacking the finish of the previous weeks. The tight supplies contributed to a dearer trend of 3-5c/kg. The better finished calves sold at 300-325c/kg.
The feeder market experienced a jump in prices for well-bred feeder cattle 280-320kg where prices lifted 18c/kg driven by a northern feedlot order. The bulk of the yearling offering sold to feedlots, with demand firming as the sale progressed. Medium weight feeder’s steers topped at 329c to average 314c/kg. Lighter weight feeder heifers 330-400kg was in high demand selling 7c dearer making from 277c-298c/kg.
There was limited numbers of lighter weight store conditioned weaners, which attracted stronger bidding from restockers. There were no flat spots in the market with steers 280-320 kg constantly making from 305c-320c/kg to average $938.
The cow market opened on a strong note with rates 5-7c higher. Well finished cows sold from 235c-251c/kg. Southern and northern processors who hot bone, clashed in the pursuit of leaner types lifting prices 7-20c/kg. A run of leaner cows made from 222-255.6c, while plainer types sold from 190-222c/kg.