
NVLX Barnawatha 11 July 2017: Market reflects cheaper trend

Leann Dax 12/07/2017

Cheaper trends across NSW and Victoria on Monday influenced market prices at NVLX Barnawatha.

There were signs throughout the sale that processors and feedlots were not prepared to push the market beyond yesterday’s levels. Most categories fell from 15-38c/kg.

Feeder heifers bore the brunt of the cheaper trend falling down by 17-38c/kg, while restocking heifers held there value for the well-bred lighter weight portion. Feeder heifers 330-400kg sold from 271-302c/kg.

Feeder steers lacked competition and it was thanks to a local feedlot who cemented a floor in rates. Generally prices dropped 10c with the bulk selling from 280-335c/kg.

Trade cattle found there was not much competition from processors for heifers or steers which resulted in a cheaper price trend of 18-34c/kg. Medium weight trade heifers had a dramatic price correction of 34c to average 285c/kg. There were odd sales of grain assisted lighter weight heifers who attracted stronger bidding from select butcher orders to top at 338c/kg. It was tough going in the steer run for sellers, prices ranged from 280-350c/kg.

Vealers sold to lower rates of 15-22c/kg. Behind the fall was lack of demand. Vealers had a wide price spread of 290-372c/kg.

Export cattle sold to mixed price trends, due to a major processor back in the market chasing quality finished Angus steers. Steers 500-600kg lifted 5c making from 270-307c/kg. Bullocks sold 15c cheaper with one processor noting they had enough stock around them. Bullocks made from 266-296c/kg.

Meanwhile at the cow market prices were strong, buoyed by a full a field of winter buyers. Heavy cows lifted 2c making from 244-259c/kg.

Leaner grades were mostly unchanged selling at 218-250c/kg. Plain cows were limited selling at 167-198c/kg.


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