DATE: 9 December 2020
AGENTS: Elders, Nutrien, Rodwells
PTIC HEIFERS: $2000-$3250
UNJOINED HEIFERS: 450KG+ $1700-$1910, av 339c/kg; 360-450KG $1440-$1650, av 380c/kg;
WEANER HEIFERS: 360kg+ $1430-$1600, av 413c/kg; 280-360KG: $1330-$1530, av 4333c/kg.

With expectations their Connemara Angus heifers could top the $3000/head mark, Ruffy Angus stud breeders Marcus and Michael Hill stood proudly with their sale lines before the Euroa female sale.
FOLLOWING a highly successful steer weaner clearance seven days earlier, cashed-up local district cattle breeders from the Strathbogie, Murrumbindi and Goulburn Murray municipal regions were the backbone of this year’s annual Euroa beef female sale bidding PTIC heifers to heights of $3250 (twice), heifer weaners to $1600 and cow and calf outfits to $3650.
The sale, held Wednesday, advertised some 1500 head of principally Angus females, which was several hundred head more than its year earlier market.
The best priced of the young joined heifer lots, which were pregnancy tested in calf for a February/March calving, were offered by Michael, Olive and Marcus Hill “Connamara Angus” Ruffy.
The first sold at this money ($3250) was a yard of 12 rising two-year-olds – Pathfinder-blood joined to Connemara Angus bulls while the second cleared at this rate, also rising two-year-old, Sydgen-blood and APR Breedplan registered, were A I’d on June 2 and backed up for 8 weeks to Connamara Angus bulls.
The buyer of these two market-topper yards, and also of a further four pens priced between $2825 and $3000, was Nutrien Livestock, Euroa for client Nicholas Hanson’s Chase Farm, Caniambo.
A third yard from the Hill family’s Connamara consignment a pen of 17 that also went on the Chase Farm truck made $3000 while a fourth pen of 8 failed to clear at auction when bidding stalled at $2550.
Gerald and Anne Hill, “Innisfail Angus”, Ruffy, were also offered vendor bred heifers collecting sales of $2825 and $2600 for two yards of 11 rising two-year-olds.
These were joined June 1 for eight weeks to low birth weight Innisfail bulls while Marjory King, Balmattum was rewarded with a sale at $3150 for a yard of 15 rising two-year-olds, depastured to Alpine Angus bulls following an eight-week joining period commenced on June 10.
These were trucked south beyond Ballarat to repeat buyer, Cherrymount of Streatham.
A consignment of local district-bred heifers purchased 12 months ago and grown out by vendor Good Hope Pastoral, Mansfield was also appreciated.
Their first consignment was a line of 36, Flowerdale-bred Angus, depastured to Connamara bulls on a late-May to late-July joining. These made $2550 and $2850 with one lot passed at $2300 while a second Good Hope lot of 57, Glenlock-bred, with the same joining, made $2200, $2350 and $2400.
Watch the Beef Central’s live vision of the opening lane of sales.
Elders auctioneer Joe Allen said while top drafts secured a pleasing result the demand for the middle runs was patchy with some lots passed at auction and being sold later.
“We got the required money but it wasn’t entirely easy sailing” he said.
Russell Mawson, Nutrien agreed and said there was plenty of pen lots of joined females available to suit all budgets.
The top drafts of the vendor-bred lines he said that made slightly more than was expected. However, many of the non-vendor lots that were still well enough grown that made between $2000 and $2800 according to their size, breeding and joining.
View Beef Central’s post sale interview with Russell Mawson.
JOINED COWS to $2700
A small offering of mature aged cows, joined also for autumn calving, met good inquiry underpinned by the strong but softening slaughter market.
The best priced of these was a yard of heavy Hereford/Shorthorn cows, 5-6 years, depastured to Black Magic Angus bulls. Sold by East Mount Ada, Benalla, these made $2700 for a yard of 20, while a yard of 5 five-year-old Angus, same joining, from the same vendor, made $2350.
A yarding of 30 or so pens of autumn-drop heifer weaners saw most sold between $1300 and $1600 a head, with sales beginning at $4/kg and increasing as weights declined.
The best priced, at $1600/head, was a yard of 24 Flowerdale-bred Newnham-blood Angus, by Richard McGeehan and Susan Gall of Balmattum.
Weighing 375kg at age 9-10 months, these were sold to Elders Mansfield at 426c/kg while IL Dickson, Longwood sold 20 Connamarra-blood Angus, 382kg at $1550 or 405c/kg to Nutrien Shepparton.
An agent order from Leongatha, South Gippsland, secured a truck-load of heifers for backgrounding.
The order paid $1540 for 20 Mirama Angus, 350kg and $1530 for 19 Warrenall Angus, 340kg while AWN Wangaratta paid $1470 for a second yard of McGeehan & Gall Newnham-blood heifers, 335kg.
Commission buyers, Andrew Lowe, Duncan Brown and Garry McCorkell were all active for interests further northern-based, with some of their purchases extended to a selection of yearling-off and grown heifers that topped at $1910.
Sales of these were mainly focused in the 340 to 410c/kg range for pens weighing 400 to 530kg with the heaviest, 594kg sold at $1910 for vendor Willowbar of Bonnie Doon.
Tatura vendor M Lombardozzi was the largest seller of 12-14-month-old selling a draft of 76 Angus, Banquet-blood to a top of $1620, average $1545. The Lombardozzi draft weighed an average of 387kg to collect a rate of 398c/kg.
A selection of calved females, some rejoined, were sold to a best of $3650 per outfit.
The best priced was a yard of 10 x 10 Angus exhibited by Jade Park, Hansonville.
These were 24 to 26-month-old Millah Murrah-blood 1st-calvers, with fresh 4-5-month-old Coolie Angus calves at foot, depastured to Stud Angus bulls while a second pen of the same – 12 x 12 – made $3500, and a third yard of six by six, made $3450.
Strathbogie vendor A. Beard sold a 10 x 10 line of Angus heifers, Boroomooba-blood, re-depastured to Table Top Angus bulls at $3350. These also had well grown fresh conditioned 5-6-month-old calves at foot.