
Light heifers lift in value, in 12,648 head AuctionsPlus offering

Beef Central 06/12/2019

Cows with calves at foot sold to $2440 this week, for this line of rising five-year-old Te Mania blood Angus cows from Tonga Station, Mansfield, VIC. The line was part of an offering of 193 PTIC cows and caws & calves from Tonga, which produced a 100pc clearance with prices from $1820 to $2440.


CATTLE numbers listed on AuctionsPlus totalled 12,648 this week, firm on the week before.

There were significant price increases for steers and heifer categories under 330kg, with heifers less than 200kg increasing by 21c to average 278c. Clearance for weaner steers improved this week by almost 10pc to total 87pc across the offering. The top buying region for the week was the North-West Slopes and Plains which secured 653 head on the back of recent rainfall.

Cows with calves at foot sold for an average of $1307, up $20 on last week, with prices ranging from $630 to $2440. Top price was returned by a line of rising five-year-old, Te Mania blood Angus cows & calves from Tonga Station, Mansfield, VIC. The line was part of a total offering of 193 head from Tonga which saw a 100pc clearance achieved, with prices from $1820 to $2440.

From Bombala, NSW a line of Rennylea blood Angus heifers rising three years & calves returned $1870. Highlights from the North saw a line of Simbrah cows & calves from Blackall, QLD sell for $1440. These cows were 4-5 years old, with Charolais-sired calves averaging 140kg.

PTIC cows sold from $810 to $2110 this week to average $1649. From Kerrisdale, VIC Larnoo Agricultural Investments offered a line of 20 cows, rising 4 years old, PTIC to Paringa Angus bulls which returned the top price. The vendor offered 222 head in total, with prices from $1800 to $2110 and an 80pc clearance seen.

From Forbes, NSW a line of 44 Te Mania blood PTIC cows, rising 3 years old and averaging 518kg sold for $1950.

PTIC heifers averaged $1536, selling from $1000 to $2040. From Mansfield, VIC, Tonga Station offered a line of 22 Angus heifers, 27-28 months old and PTIC to Te Mania Angus bulls which sold for the top price to a buyer from Kyneton, VIC.

Other highlights included a line of Angus heifers 16-18 months from Blayney, NSW which returned $1500 and PTIC Angus heifers, 19-21 months old from Pemberton, WA which achieved $2000.

Light steers less than 200kg sold for 385c for a single line of 26 Angus cross steer calves, 3-5 months old and averaging 181kg from Moree, NSW.

Steers 200-280kg sold from 221c to 355c this week, to average 303c, up 6c on last week. Returning the top price was a line of Angus weaners, 5-6 months old and weighing 263kg from Pemberton, WA. Highlights from the East saw Angus steers 204kg from Dungowan, NSW return 327c; Angus steers 263kg from Molyullah, VIC sell for 326c and Angus x Brangus steers from Wandoan, QLD make 272c.

Steers 280-330kg averaged 330c this week, up 16c and sold from 272c to 370c. From Stowport, TAS a line of 12 Angus calves weighing 281kg achieved the top price, while from Forbes, NSW a line of 7-8 month old Angus steers 295kg sold for 362c and 9-10 month old Angus steers 323kg from Molyullah, VIC sold for 330c.

Heavier steers 330-400kg sold from 257c to 331c this week, and returned an average of 307c, down 1c on last week. From Granya, VIC a line of Angus steers, 9-10 months averaging 332kg sold for the top price. Steers + 400kg sold from 303c to 309c, averaging 305c, down 5c on last week. Top price was returned by a line of Angus vealers, 10-11 months old averaging 455kg from Pemberton, WA.

Heifers in the less than 200kg weight bracket sold from 270c to 283c this week, averaging 278c, an increase of 21c on last week. From Moree, NSW a line of Angus X heifer calves, 3-5 months old averaging 155kg sold for the top price.

Heifers 200-280kg ranged in price from 187c to 310c. Returning the top price was a line of Angus heifers, 8-9 months, 277kg from Stowport, TAS, while from Talwood, QLD a line of Shorthorn X heifers, EU accredited, 13-15 months averaging 268kg sold for 264c. From Forbes, NSW a line of Te Mania blood Angus heifers, EU accredited and eligible for registration, weighing 279kg returned 494c.

Heifers 280-330kg averaged 270c, up 11c on last week and sold from 249c to 283c. Top price was returned by a line of Angus heifers 313kg from Northcliffe, WA, while in the east, highlights included Angus feeder heifers 313kg from Inglewood, QLD which made 272c. Angus cross heifers 309kg from Goulburn, NSW returned 266c.

Heavier heifers 330-400kg sold from 250c to 348c this week and averaged 273c, up 11c. Returning the top price was a line of Speckle Park x Angus heifers from Hillston, NSW. This line was 16-17 months averaging 387kg and will travel to Yankalilla, SA. Heifers more than 400kg sold for 281c for a single line of 9-10 month old Angus heifer vealers from Northcliffe, WA.

Western Australian highlights this week saw 1763 head offered in the IRA Pemberton 28th Elite Vealer, Weaner & Breeder Sale which achieved an 83pc clearance. Steers less than 12 months sold from 299c to 355c, to average 321c and returned a 100pc clearance, while a single line of Angus yearling steers, 427kg and 16-18 months old, sold for 304c.

PTIC heifers sold from $1800 to $2000; and a single line of PTIC Angus cows, 4-8 years and PTIC to Angus bulls, from Boyup Brook, returned $1500.

This week also saw the Costello Rural Annual Christmas Sale interfaced with AuctionsPlus, which consisted of 1368 head and achieved a 94pc clearance. Online activity was strong, with 213 bids placed across the sale and 21 lots secured to NSW buyers operating online. Top price of the sale was returned by a line of 11 Murray Grey steers, weighing in at 522kg from Thologolong, VIC which sold for $1545.

Source: AuctionsPlus






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