
Hamilton weaner sales Day 2: EU premium gap widens + VIDEOS

Murray Arnel 08/01/2020


WEANER STEERS: 360-425kg: $1020-$1435, av 311c/kg; 280-360kg; $783-$1162, av 302c/kg; 200-280kg: $663-$889 av 300c/kg

EYCI: 481.75c/kg

AGENTS: Elders-Landmark

John and Liz Craig, with daughter Maggie and son Sam, of Coleraine won the Hereford Society best present ribbon for their top draft of Yarram Park-blood Inverall steers. They are pictured with Hereford Society’s Michael Beattie.

Strong competition for European Union credentialed cattle and those properly weaned were again highlights of day-two selling at Hamilton’s annual beef weaner sales.

Northern-based lot feeders were again a force however their influence over the Elders and Landmark conducted market was less powerful due to the limited numbers fitting these criteria.

Southern Downs, Qld lot feeder, NH Foods buying for its Whyalla, Texas facility was again the principal buyer of the Angus EU-accredited lines while repeat NSW grass-feeder, Paul Mason, Wellington, snared the cream of the whitefaced EU-Hereford lots.

Buyers from interstate again outbid the home-state support claiming 65 percent of the total all steer penning. However, a more concentrated focus from West Gippsland and locally from Hawkesdale carried the weight of the local demand.

Overall the 2309-strong Angus, Hereford and Euro-breeds steer market provided an average weight of 341.5kg, one kilogram up on 12 months ago.

Similar to the previous day, officiating agents offered, by auction, a 2.5-litre package of Dectomax cattle drench in lieu of its usual best-presented yard award the proceeds for the bushfire appeal.

The pack, donated by Zoetis, raised $1300 on a bid placed by Jean Maling family of Portland, a participating vendor in this sale.

Opening the sale, a Landmark run of non-EU Angus steers made 300 to a top of 318c/kg.

Video of the opening sales:

The heaviest of these, a pen of 19, weighed at 419kg, made 318c/kg ($1333 a head) for AH & DG Donovan while a pen of 46 MD Robertson Nagana Angus, 402kg, also made 318c/kg ($1280).

Both lots were secured by Australian Food and Fibre’s  Conargo, NSW, feedlot.

At the tail of the Landmark run two yards of EU-accredited Angus from Jean Maling, fired the interest of the EU-hungry feedlots. Carded as a draft of 102 her Fiveways, early November weaned steers saw the tops at 397kg sell for 345c/kg ($1369.68) while a second pen of 44, 355kg, made 338c/kg or $1200.

In the Elders run of Black steers an EU-pen of Mibus Bros, Portland Sandy Camp Angus steers, 416kg, collected 345c/kg ($1435/head) as most other non-EU sales varied from 312c/kg to 321c/kg for the pens over 350kg, and 292c/kg to 320c/kg for those 300 to 350kg.

In the feature Elders Hereford run, which saw 18 lots carded as EU-accredited, demand varied widely from 281c/kg to 319c/kg with one isolated sale at 326c/kg.

Video of the feature Hereford sales:

The standalone top was a yard of 27, 373kg, offered by Beerik Partnership, Coleraine, that realized $1217 a head while a Sandy Camp yard of 17, 409kg, collected 317c/kg or $1296/head.

Landmark auctioneer, Sam Savin said considering that 90 percent of the country was either in drought or on fire the result was pleasing.

“But there were lessons to be learnt” Mr Savin said.

“If you’re going to breed quality Angus cattle EU accreditation is a must, and they need to be properly weaned” he said.

“These factors were obvious here today”, Mr Savin said.

In his interview with Beef Central, Elders auctioneer Aaron Malseed agreed saying that further the sale progressed the “stickier the job got for the non-EU cattle.

Video of Aaron Malseed interview:

This was especially the case he said for the Hereford lines but ii did bring into the market an inquiry from the New England, NSW at these lower rates to place a floor in the demand.

Mr Malseed said while there was slightly less interest shown by the feed lots more inquiry from local bullock finishers held the market at a satisfactory level.

Other leading sales included:

Inverall – 22 Hereford (EU) 398kg, 317c/kg, $11261

Berribank – 17 Angus 400kg, 315c/kg, $1260

Harbour Glow – 18 Angus 410kg, 315c/kg, $1230

Glenferrie – 22 Angus, 396kg, 301c/kg, $1197

Wootang Vale – 16 Hereford (EU), 375kg, 316c/kg, $1185

Inverall – 21 Hereford, 367kg, 319c/kg, $1170

Ayrhaven – 12 Angus, 367kg, 317c/kg, $1163

Wright Swamp– 33 Angus, 367kg, 317c/kg, $1163

Calcarab– 24 Angus, 373kg, 310c/kg, $1156

Inverall -63 Hereford (EU), 361kg, 319c/kg, $1156

Dallas – 20 Charolais (EU) 373kg, 306c/kg, $1141


Denise Beaton, Coleraine, with the Beaton family’s Giant Rock EU Hereford steers that sold to 314c/kg in the feature Elders run.


Julie and Kevin Wyatt, Mt Richmond sold a draft of their Wright Swamp Angus steers, 319kg, at 320c/kg.


Top Dollar: Owen McClure, Coleraine with the McClure family’s keenly sought Beerik Partnership steers, 373kg, sold at the Hereford EU top of 326c/kg.


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