Numbers continue to come back in Dubbo with numbers falling by 830 for a yarding of just 2415.
It was a pretty good quality yarding with a good selection of young cattle to suit the feeders and processors along with good numbers of cows and grown steers and heifers.
There were also a few consignments from the far west which mostly presented in good condition.
There were consignments from just South of Broken Hill, Cobar, Bourke, Walgett, Coonamble, Condobolin, and local districts.
Most of the regular processor orders were in place though a major feeder operator was absent however he was replaced with a fresh order from the East.
Young cattle to the trade were firm to 3c dearer with the limited selection of vealers selling from 299c to 327c/kg. Prime steer yearlings sold from 280c to 320c with the heavier weights over 400kg averaging 306c while the prime heifer yearlings sold from 271c to 320c to average 296c/kg.
Lightweight feeder steers were 6c cheaper while the heavier weights and feeder heifers were firm to 4c/kg dearer. The feeder steers sold from 268c to 341c with the large number over 400kg averaging 319c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 269c to 314c with the medium weights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaging 300c /kg.
Young steers to the restockers were dearer selling from 303c for plain quality calves to 411c/kg for fair quality Angus steer calves. Young heifers to the restockers sold from 271c to 330c/kg.
Grown steers were 10c dearer with the prime medium and heavy weights selling from 258c to 319c with the large percentage weighing between 500kg and 600kg averaging 300c/kg. Export weight feeder steers sold from 260c to 310c while the restockers purchased full mouth steers in store condition paying between 260c and 268c/kg. Grown heifers were also dearer selling from 250c to 300c with the heavier weights over 540kg averaging 280c/kg.
Plainer conditioned cows were 3c to 7c cheaper while the properly finished cows were firm to 1c/kg dearer. 2 score cows sold from 140c to 195c to the processors while the restockers paid to 200c/kg for a small line of cows in plain condition. The better 3 and 4 score cows sold from 188c to 244c with the properly finished heavy weights averaging 228c/kg.
Bulls were up to 22c cheaper with the better muscled heavy weights selling from 201c to 242c to average 225c/kg. The feeders paid from 276c to 312c for young bulls and once again there was no activity from the live exporters.