
Dubbo sale 5 Dec 2019: Downward trend continues

David Monk 06/12/2019

Yarding 3890 Change -355

Cows continue their downward trend losing a further 8c to 13c however young cattle to the restockers were the highlight lifting in price by up to 20c with solid interest from southern restockers.

It was another mostly plain quality yarding with good numbers of cows and grown heifers along with large numbers of bobby calves as the selloff continues. The bulk of the yearlings in the yarding continue to present in mostly plain condition. There were odd pens to suit the trade buyers and feeders along with only a couple of pens of well finished grown steers. Not all the regular feeder buyers were operating due to insufficient weight in the bulk of the cattle. Some cow buyers were also not operating due to them having enough numbers to keep them going until the new year. The bulk of the cattle were sourced from local districts with a couple of far western consignments along with some cattle from the Bylong Valley Merriwa and Cunnamulla. Included in the yarding was another large consignment of plain conditioned yearlings grown steers and heifers and cows in from the Binnaway district.

NLRS advises the young cattle to the trade were around firm with the prime steer yearlings selling from 250c to 270c while the prime heifer yearlings sold from 255c to 279c/kg.

With some of the regular buyers not operating feeder steers and heifers commenced the sale on a firm note but lost momentum as the sale progressed finishing 6c to 10c cheaper for most of the categories. The feeder steers sold from 240c to 306c with the lightweights averaging 261c while the medium and heavy weights averaged 290c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 200c to 274c with most weight categories averaging between 245c and 250c/kg.

With a couple of extra southern buyers operating young cattle to the restockers were up to 20c dearer. The restocker steers sold from 180c to 315c with the good number of calves weighing less than 200kg averaging 272c while the heavier weight yearlings weighing between 200kg and 280kg averaged 256c/kg. The young restocker heifers sold from 75c to 278c with the calves weighing between 200kg and 280kg averaging 210c/kg.

Very limited numbers of grown steers to the processors were 3c cheaper with the prime medium weights selling from 270c to 275c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 230c to 288c/kg. There were good numbers of grown steers going to the restockers due to the large Binnaway consignment. These steers sold from 150c to 244c/kg. Grown heifers were 5c dearer with the better classes selling from 230c to 269c/kg. Once again due to the Binnaway consignment there were good numbers of grown heifers going to the restockers who paid from 120c to 216c/kg.

Cows to the processors were 8c to 13c/kg cheaper.1 and 2 score cows sold from 70c to 182c while the better 3 and 4 scores sold from 170c to 230c with the prime heavy weights averaging 215c/kg. Good numbers of cows sold to the feeders and restockers at mostly firm to dearer rates with the restockers paying from 70c to 197c while the feeders paid from 128c to 205c/kg.

Bulls sold at similar rates to the previous sale with the better heavy weights selling from 235c to 273c to average 253c/kg. There were good numbers of plain conditioned young bulls yarded and they sold to the restockers ranging in price from 155c to 202c/kg.

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