
Dubbo sale 4 May 2017: Young cattle cheaper

David Monk 05/05/2017

Numbers were up by 1400 for a yarding of 4300. It was a fair quality yarding with a large presence of far western cattle with large numbers coming in from the Broken Hill region along with Bourke, Cunnamulla and Brewarrina consignments.

Despite the large numbers of western cattle there was still a pretty fair selection of properly finished cattle throughout including some top runs of local bullocks in prime condition. Not all the regular buyers were operating in a cheaper market.

NLRS reports that the young cattle to the trade were up to 15c cheaper and more in places. Steer vealers sold from 330c to 370c with the calves over 330kg averaging 338c while limited numbers of ideal heifer vealers sold to 368c/kg. Prime steer yearlings sold from 301c to 360c with the steers over 400kg averaging 315c while the prime heifer yearlings sold to 325c/kg.

Young feeder steers were up to 18c cheaper selling from 310c to 358c with the large number over 400kg averaging 336c/kg. The feeder heifers were 7c cheaper selling from 270c to 354c with the prime heifers over 400kg averaging 314c/kg.

Young restocker steers finished close to firm selling from 300c to 429c with the calves weighing between 200kg and 280kg averaging 370c/kg. Young heifers to the restockers sold from 333c to 368c/kg.

The good runs of well finished grown steers were 14c cheaper compared to the previous sales dearer market. The prime medium and heavy weights sold from 275c to 320c with the steers weighing between 500kg and 600kg averaging 312c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders were considerably cheaper selling from 266c to 348c/kg. Grown heifers were 3c cheaper with the heavy weights over 540kg selling from 270c to 312c/kg.

Cows were 10c to 14c cheaper with the 2 scores to the processors selling from 180c to 210c/kg. There were not the numbers of ideal cows to suit the restockers compared to the previous sale with the small number going back to the paddock selling from 214c to 228c/kg. The better 3 and 4 score cows to the processors sold from 206c to 246c with the prime heavy weights averaging 237c/kg.

Bulls sold at similar rates with the better muscled heavier weight bulls over 600kg selling from 240c to 270c to average 257c/kg. With the large number of far western cattle there was once again good numbers of young bulls suitable for the restockers and feeders. The feeders paid to 245c while the restockers paid from 220c to 388c/kg for young bulls.


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