
Dubbo sale 4 Aug 2016: Crop finished cattle add to yarding quality

David Monk 05/08/2016

With around 40mm of rain in most districts numbers were down by 1320 for a yarding of 1610.

It was a good quality yarding with a fair selection of prime cattle in most sections a number of which had been fattened on crops combined with a number of pens which had been grain assisted.

Along with the local cattle there were some large consignments of Broken Hill and Milparinka district cattle which consisted of mainly yearlings and cows presenting in forward condition. These far western cattle were responsible for approximately 30% of the total cattle yarded.

Young cattle to the trade were mostly firm with vealers selling to 371c/kg. Prime steer yearlings sold from 350c to 386c with the heavier weights over 400kg averaging 362c/kg. The good numbers of prime heifer yearlings sold from 300c to 381c to average 358c/kg.

MLA market information advises that the light and medium weight feeder steers were 5c to 7c dearer while the heavier weight steers and feeder heifers were a little cheaper with any of the fluctuations mainly relating to quality. The feeder operators remain keen to take on the processors to secure numbers to keep their operations going. Feeder steers sold from 329c to 407c with the good numbers of heavier weights over 400kg averaging 387c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 320c to 378cwith the prime medium weights weighing 330kg to 400kg averaging 365/kg.

Demand for the young restocking steers remains very solid as expected due to the shortage of numbers and the great season we are experiencing. Young steers returning to the paddock sold to 414c/kg with the strongest support shown for young Angus calves. Young heifers to the restockers sold from 330c to 379c/kg.

The grown steers were a little dearer despite the fact that there were only two major processors operating. The prime medium and heavy weights sold from 319c to 365c with the medium weights weighing between 500kg and 600kg averaging 358c/kg. Grown steers weighing between 400kg and 500kg sold to the feeders from 365c to 394c/kg. Prime conditioned two tooth grown heifers sold to 385c/kg.

Cows were 3c to 6c cheaper with only a limited field of buyers operating. Limited numbers of 2 score cows to the processors sold from 200c to 234c while the restockers paid from 202c to 246c/kg for cows to go back to the paddock. The better 3 and 4 score cows to the processors sold from 232c to 279c with the 4 score heavy weights averaging 271c/kg.

The better muscled heavy weight bulls were 3c dearer selling to 276c to average 270c/kg. Young bulls to the restockers sold from 318c to 370c/kg.



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