Numbers remained very similar to the previous sales smaller market with a yarding of 2940.
It was a good quality yarding with a good selection of young cattle to suit both the trade and feeder orders along with a good supply of grown steers in prime condition. There was a fair selection of cows but only limited numbers of grown heifers. The bulk of the yarding was sourced from local districts with good numbers coming from the Nyngan and Warren areas. Following the great rains of the previous week there was only a couple of consignments from the far west.
Most of the regular buyers were in attendance and operating in a solid market.
NLRS advises young cattle to the trade were 6c to 10c dearer with most of the support coming from Southern processors and central tablelands processors. Prime steer vealers to the trade sold from 289c to 316c while the prime heifer vealers sold from 290c to 310c with the heavier weights over 330kg averaging 306c/kg. Prime steer yearlings sold from 275c to 312c with the heavier weights averaging 290c while the prime heifer yearlings sold from 250c to 293c/kg.
Lightweight feeders were up to 25c dearer while the heavier weight steer and heifer feeders were 12c dearer with once again solid support coming from northern feedlots. Feeder steers sold from 278c to 334c with the lightweights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaging 310c while the heavier weights over 400kg averaged 294c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 251c to 304c with the lighter weights averaging 296c/kg.
Young cattle to the restockers and backgrounders were also dearer with strong support from local restockers and northern backgrounders. The young steers to the restockers sold from 303c to 390c/kg. The older steer yearlings to the backgrounders sold from 310c to 364c while the young heifers to the restockers sold from 275c to 372c/kg.
Medium weight grown steers were firm while the heavy weights were 7c/kg cheaper despite the return of a major northern processor. The good numbers of prime medium weights weighing between 500kg and 600kg sold from 275c to 295c to average 283c while the heavier weights sold from 250c to 289c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 265c to 291c/kg. Grown heifers were 6c cheaper with the better types in prime condition selling from 250c to 270c to average 256c/kg.
Cows to the processors were firm with the 2 scores selling from 165c to 202c/kg. Plain conditioned cows to the restockers were 10c to 20c dearer selling from 213c to 247c/kg. The better 3 and 4 score cows to the processors which were also firm sold from 190c to 235c with the prime heavy weights averaging 225c/kg.
The better line up of bulls were 7c dearer with the better muscled heavy weights selling from 247c to 259c to average 255c while young bulls to the restockers sold from 241c to 280c/kg.