
Dubbo sale 26 July 2018: Dry keeps cattle keep rolling in

David Monk 27/07/2018

Yarding 5800 Change 630

With no apparent end to the drought cattle keep rolling in with numbers lifting by 630 for a yarding of 5800. Similar market trends continue with the lighter young cattle getting cheaper as both feeders and restockers are prepared to pay more per kilogram for the heavier weights.

The bulk of the yarding was sourced from local districts with once again large numbers coming from the Coonamble district. There was a reasonable selection of trade cattle along with some good pens of feeder cattle cows and grown steers. Once again though there were large numbers of young cattle in store condition and plain conditioned cows as growers continue to offload due to the drought.

NLRS advises the few young cattle to the trade were firm to 5c cheaper with prime steer vealers selling from 242c to 303c while the prime heifer vealers also sold to 303c/kg. The prime steer yearlings sold from 286c to 302c while the prime heifer yearlings to the trade sold to 305c/kg.

The feeder market struggled to find consistency with the light and heavy weight feeders selling up to 10c dearer rates while the medium weights finished up to 10c/kg cheaper.  Feeder steers sold from 240c to 332c with the good number of medium weights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaging 297c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 210c to 287c with the medium weights averaging 256c/kg.

Once again there was solid support from both northern and southern restockers who were all prepared to pay for weight. Lightweight young steers and heifers to the restockers were 14c to 20c cheaper while heavier weights finished dearer. Young steers to the restockers sold from 140c to 281c with the calves weighing between 200kg and 280kg averaging 226c/kg.  The young heifers to the restockers sold from 120c to 212c while the older and heavier heifer yearlings to the restockers sold to 266c/kg.

Grown steers were 14c to 15c cheaper with one major processor choosing not to operate. The prime medium and heavy weights sold from 256c to 298c with the medium weights weighing between 500kg and 600kg averaging 291c/kg. There were good numbers of grown steers sold to the feeders and they paid from 288c to 318c/kg. Grown heifers were 15c to 20c cheaper with the better types selling from 222c to 282c/kg. Grown heifers in plain condition sold to the restockers from 110c to 140c/kg.

The cow market commenced on a reasonable note but lost momentum as the sale progressed. Plain conditioned cows to the processors finished 7c cheaper while the better conditioned heavy weights finished 25c to 33c cheaper. 2 score cows to the processors sold from 70c to 176c while the better 3 and 4 scores sold from 164c to 241c with the prime heavy weights averaging 223c/kg. There was solid support from restockers on suitable lines of cows with the cows to the restockers selling up to 10c/kg dearer rates. The restockers paid from 70c to 180c/kg.

Bulls were 4c dearer with the well muscled and better finished heavy weights selling from 220c to 251c/kg. The restockers paid from 150c to 206c/kg for young bulls.

For full NLRS report click here


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