
Dubbo sale 25 Feb 2016: Restocker demand remains strong

David Monk 26/02/2016

Despite the hot and continuing dry conditions numbers were down by 530 this week with a yarding of 3835.

There was also a fair percentage of plainer types sourced from the far west including consignments from Broken Hill South Australia Wilcannia Packsaddle Louth Brewarrina Coonamble and Walgett. Not all the regular buyers were in attendance with the absence of a couple of feeder orders.

Not all the regular buyers were in attendance with the absence of a couple of feeder orders.

Young cattle to the trade were 3c to 6c cheaper with prime steer vealers selling from 305c to 330c while the prime heifer vealers sold from 311c to 318c/kg.

Limited numbers of prime steer yearlings to the trade sold to 313c while the prime heifer yearlings sold from 290c to 305c to average 290c/kg.

Trade weight feeder steers were 2c to 4c cheaper while their female counterparts were up to 10c/kg cheaper.

The feeder steers sold from 295c to 332c with the heavier weights over 400kg averaging 316c/kg.

The feeder heifers sold from 270c to 312c/kg.

With seasonal conditions remaining favourable in most local districts the demand from the restockers continues to be strong.

Young steers to the restockers sold to 412c with the lightweights averaging 400c/kg. Young heifers to the restockers sold to 336c/kg.

The good runs of well-finished bullocks were up to 10c cheaper compared to the previous week’s strong market. The prime conditioned medium and heavy weight bullocks sold from 270c to 305c with the medium weights weighing 500 to 600kg averaging289c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 270c to 327c/kg.

The grown heifers were also a little cheaper with the processors paying to 285c/kg. A number of the plainer conditioned grown heifers sold to the feeders selling from 255c to 298c/kg.

There was a good selection of cows to suit both the processors and restockers. The plainer condition 2 score cows to the processors sold from 160c to 220c while the restockers paid from 221c to 228c/kg.

The better conditioned 3 and 4 score cows to the processors sold from 212c to 243c with a single C muscle high yielding Limousin cow selling for 252c/kg. The 4 score heavy weight cows which were the majority averaged 231c/kg. Bulls were up to 9c cheaper with the best of the heavy weights selling to 266c/kg.

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