Yarding 3925 Change -2425
The forecast for good rains for the weekend slowed the numbers down considerably with agents yarding 2400 less than the previous sale. The smaller yarding had a very positive effect on the market with most sections enjoying healthy gains.
Most of the cattle in the yarding were sourced from local districts with some good pens of well finished trade cattle and grown steers grain assisted along with the expected numbers of cows and young cattle lacking finish. Cows were responsible for approximately 50pc of the total yarding. There were only limited numbers of ideal feeder cattle. Most of the regular processors and feeder operators were buying along with additional restocker support from southern buyers.
NLRS advises young cattle to the trade were 15c dearer with the best of the vealers selling to 280c/kg. The prime steer yearlings to the trade sold from 270c to 313c while the prime heifer yearlings sold from 240c to 298c/kg.
Feeder cattle were up to 15c to 20c dearer and more in places with the feeder steers selling from 226c to 294c with most weight categories averaging around 282c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 200c to 277c with the lightweights averaging 222c and the medium and heavier weights 252c/kg.
Young cattle to the restockers were amongst the largest movers in the price rises lifting by as much as 40c and more in places. The young steers to the restockers sold from 202c to 286c to average 262c while the young heifers to the restockers sold from 120c to 256c to average around 224c /kg.
The limited numbers of grown steers were 7c cheaper with the prime medium weights weighing between 500kg and 600kg selling from 257c to 282c to average 268c/kg. Grown heifers were dearer with the better types selling from 220c to 260c/kg. Plainer conditioned and plainer quality grown heifers sold to the restockers selling from 125c to 198c/kg.
Plain conditioned cows to the processors were 23c dearer and more in places while the better finished cows were 7c to 12c/kg dearer. 1 and 2 score cows sold from 70c to 183c while the better 3 and 4 scores sold from 160c to 234c with the prime heavy weights averaging 217c/kg. Large numbers of plain conditioned cows sold to the restockers at between 16c and 35c/kg dearer rates. The restockers paid from 55c for very plain cows to 166c for reasonably young cows which had been pregnancy tested in calf.
Bulls were 18c dearer with the better muscled and better conditioned heavy weights selling from 212c to 235c to average 228c/kg.
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