Yarding 2160 Change -830
Approximately 20mm of local rain certainly lifted spirits with young cattle to the restockers lifting another 30c on the previous sales dearer market. Cows were also dearer regaining the previous sales falls.
Numbers were back by 800 for a yarding of 2160. It was a very plain quality yarding with only odd pens of well finished trade cattle grain assisted along with a few good cows. There were large numbers of plain conditioned young cattle and bobby calves. There were not the numbers of ideal feeder cattle compared to the previous sale. The bulk of the yarding was sourced from local districts along with consignments from Wanaaring Brewarrina and Carinda. Most of the regular buyers were in attendance with the exception of one major export operator. Not all the regular feeder buyers were operating due to insufficient numbers of suitable cattle.
MLA advises the few young cattle to the trade were 8c dearer with prime steer yearlings selling from 256c to 288c while prime heifer yearlings sold to 270c/kg.
Feeder cattle were 8c to 11c cheaper mainly due to quality. Feeder steers sold from 220c to 296c with the light and medium weights averaging 234c and 254c/kg. The few heavy weights averaged 264c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 200c to 260c with most averaging around 230c/kg.
Due to the rain there were a few extra restocker orders operating resulting in a dearer market of up to 30c/kg. Young steers to the restockers sold from 194c to 299c with the lightweight calves averaging 277c/kg. The young heifers sold from 120c to 217c with the light calves here averaging 211c/kg.
The few grown steers were 5c cheaper with the prime medium weights selling from 272c to 276c/kg. There was a fair number of very plain quality grown steers in poor condition and they sold to the restockers ranging in price from 150c to 242c/kg. The heifer portion of the same cattle also sold to the restockers who paid from 138c to 208c/kg. The few grown heifers in prime condition were dearer selling to 266c/kg.
Light and medium weight cows to the processors were 10c to 20c dearer while the better heavy weight cows were 12c to 14c/kg dearer. 1 and 2 score cows to the processors sold from 50c to 178c/kg. The better 3 and 4 scores sold from 170c to 236c with the prime heavy weights averaging 229c/kg. Cows to the restockers were also dearer selling from 72c to 193c/kg.
Bulls to the processors were 6c dearer with the better types selling from 212c to 247c to average 233c/kg. Young bulls to the restockers sold from 148c to 219c/kg.
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