Numbers were up by 650 with a yarding of 3600. The outstanding display of large numbers of bullocks in prime condition was the highlight in mostly good quality yarding. There was also a good selection of young cattle and cows along with some plainer cattle in from the far west. Far western consignments included loads from Tilpa and Brewarrina and two consignments from the Broken Hill district. Condobolin Mudgee Coonamble and Coolah were also represented along with the usual local cattle. Despite the absence of a couple of usual buyers the market remained solid for most categories.
NLRS advises young cattle to the trade were firm to 3c cheaper with the bulk of the young cattle going to the feeders and backgrounders. Prime steer vealers sold from 286c to 320c while the prime heifer vealers sold from 297c to 310c/kg. Prime steer yearlings sold from 276c to 299c while the prime heifer yearlings to the trade sold from 266c to 301c/kg.
Feeder steers were 5c to 8c dearer while the feeder heifers were firm to 3c/kg cheaper. Feeder steers sold from 271c to 340c with the large number of heavy weights over 400kg averaging 299c while the medium weights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaged 318c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 258c to 310c with the large number of medium weights averaging 292c/kg.
The restockers were once again active on a limited selection of ideal calves. Young steers and heifers to the restockers were a little cheaper mainly due to the quality available. Young steers going back to the paddock sold from 308c to 353c while the young heifers to the restockers sold from 288c to 319c/kg. The older steers going to the backgrounders sold from 308c to 344c/kg.
A regular southern processor who normally operates on grown steers did not start resulting in the grown steers selling at firm to 3c cheaper rates. The prime medium and heavy weights sold from 262c to 286c with the medium weights weighing between 500kg and 600kg averaging 280c while the heavier weights over 600kg averaged 278c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders which were mainly two tooths sold from 265c to 308c/kg. Grown heifers finished 10c dearer with the better types selling from 247c to 277c/kg.
Cows were 2c to 6c dearer with the 2 scores selling from 150c to 218c to the processors while the better 3 and 4 score cows sold from 210c to 234c with the prime heavy weights averaging 227c/kg. The restockers paid from 189c to 217c/kg on a limited selection of suitable types.
Bulls finished 2c cheaper with the better muscled prime heavy weights selling from 220c to 267c/kg. Good numbers of young bulls from the far western consignments to the restockers sold from 234c to 324c/kg.