The forecast of useful rain over the next 48 hours held numbers back with a yarding of 2900.
It was a plain quality yarding with only odd pens of properly finished cattle throughout.
Well in excess of 50 percent of the yarding consisted of cattle in plain condition a number of which were in from far western districts including a couple of large consignments of drought affected cattle from the Broken Hill area. Most of the regular buyers were in attendance and operating however for the second week running now two major export processors from the north did not operate.
The southern restockers were also absent though they were replaced by New England buyers.
MLA advises that young cattle to the trade were firm to 5c cheaper with prime heifer vealers selling from 275c to 310c/kg. Almost all of the steer vealers in the yarding were purchased by the restockers. Prime steer yearlings sold from 265c to 300c with the medium weights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaging 291c while the few prime heifer yearlings sold from 255c to 304c/kg.
Feeder steers were 3c to 7c cheaper while the feeder heifers were firm to 4c/kg cheaper with the plainer quality of the yarding having an effect on the final result. The feeder steers sold from 261c to 304c with the 2 scores over 400kg averaging 295c while the feeder heifers sold from 248c to 284c with the medium weights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaging 276c/kg.
Young cattle to the restockers were dearer with the expectation of rain in the next 24 to 48 hours with most of the buying support coming from locals. There was also good support from New England buyers. Young steers to the restockers sold from 280c to 415c while the steer yearlings going back to the paddock sold from 279c to 370c/kg. The young heifers to the restockers sold from 236c for very plain quality calves to 294c for lightweight Herefords. The heifer yearlings to the restockers sold from 222c to 293c/kg.
Grown steers were 7c to 10c dearer with all of the support coming from southern processors. The prime medium and heavy weights sold from 249c to 293c with the medium weights weighing between 500kg and 600kg averaging 282c/kg. Grown heifers were 9c cheaper mostly due to quality with the better types selling from 240c to 269c with the heavier weights averaging 259c/kg.
Cows to the processors were firm with the 2 scores selling from 140c to 200c while the better 3 and 4 score cows sold from 208c to 235c with the prime heavy weights averaging 224c/kg. Cows to the restockers sold from 177c to 229c/kg with once again most of the support coming from locals with the expectation of rain.
Bulls were 5c cheaper with the few better muscled heavy weights selling from 242c to 255c while the restockers paid to 280c/kg for young bulls.