
Dubbo sale 19 Mar 2020: Quality lifts with larger numbers

David Monk 20/03/2020

Yarding 1810 Change 420

The larger numbers of cattle becoming available in the north has feedlots and export processors back up to capacity levels.

It was a very good quality yarding with good numbers of prime yearlings, some sourced from a southern feedlot.

There were also good numbers of well finished grown steers and heifers most of which have had access to grain along with the much better pastures which are now available over a large area.

There were fair numbers of cows along with reasonable numbers of weaners suitable for the restockers as growers take advantage of the much stronger markets.

Not all the regular buyers were present with northern export processors not operating and some regular northern feeders were absent. Most sections found it difficult to establish a consistent level in an erratic market.

The bulk of the cattle were sourced from local districts along with a large consignment of mostly weaner cattle from South Australia as well as the consignment from the southern feedlot.

With reports that the previous week had been the best trading week for local butchers and supermarkets ever young cattle to the trade were up to 10c dearer. The prime steer yearlings sold from 364c to 407c with the heavy weights over 400kg averaging 380c/kg.  The prime heifer yearlings sold from 339c to 410c with the large number weighing in excess of 400kg averaging 392c/kg.

With the absence of some regular buyers and the variation in quality the feeder market varied considerably with the lightweight feeder steers and feeder heifers selling at 6c to 8c cheaper rates while the heavier feeder steers were 10c/kg dearer. Feeder steers sold from 362c to 426c with the heavy weights over 400kg averaging 402c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 336c to 405c with the heavier weight heifers averaging 393c/kg.

The demand for the young cattle by the restockers remains very solid with most of the support coming from local buyers and New England buyers. Young restocker cattle were around firm on the previous weeks strong market with the young steers selling from 402c to 550c with the lightweight calves less than 200kg averaging 494c while the older steers to the backgrounders sold from 345c to 468c/kg. The young restocker heifers sold from 376c to 516c with the lightweights averaging 484c while the older heifers to the restockers sold from 305c to 412c/kg.

Buyers purchasing grown steers found they had to outbid the feeders to secure numbers. Prime grown steers and heifers were 15c dearer with the better quality available a factor. The prime grown steers sold from 340c to 379c with the medium and heavy weights averaging 369c/kg. Grown steers to the feeder sold from 323c to 391c/kg. The grown heifers sold from 299c to 374c with the heavy weights averaging 357c/kg. The feeders paid to 355c for grown heifers while the restockers paid from 288c to 359c for suitable heifers to fatten or breed on with.

There was much less urgency on the cows than previous sales with some buyers finding they have enough numbers around them allowing them to relax a little and adjust their rates. Cows to the processors were up to 15c cheaper with the 2 scores selling from 240c to 267c to average 253c/kg. The better 3 and 4 score cows sold from 260c to 292c with the prime heavy weights averaging 281c/kg. Restocker interest on the plainer conditioned cows continues to be solid. Cows to the restockers were a little dearer selling from 240c to 290c/kg.

Bulls to the processors were 5c cheaper with the better heavy weight bulls selling from 264c to 319c to average 291c/kg. Bulls to the restockers sold from 310c to 422c/kg.

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