
Dubbo Sale 18 July 2019: Southern buyers add support

David Monk 19/07/2019

Yarding 4990 Change -710

Solid support from southern buyers kept a base in the young cattle market and lifts the cow market further.

Numbers lifted by 700 for a yarding of 4990. The numbers keep rolling in making Dubbo one of the only centres in the state consistently yarding decent numbers of cattle.  It was a fair quality yarding with a pretty good selection of feeder cattle along with some well finished trade cattle off crops or grain. There were good numbers of cows though the quality was not to the standard of the previous sale. There were limited numbers of grown steers and heifers. The bulk of the cattle were sourced from local districts. All the regular buyers were present and operating along with additional southern restocker orders and the return of a southern processor operating on heavy steers and heifers.

NLRS advises the young cattle to the trade were firm with prime steer vealers selling to 312c while the prime heifer vealers sold from 293c to 323c/kg. The prime steer yearlings sold from 300c to 323c while the prime heifer yearlings sold from 286c to 312c/kg.

Feeder steers finished firm to 6c dearer while the feeder heifers were up to 12c/kg dearer. The feeder steers sold from 240c to 337c with good numbers of medium weights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaging 311c while the heavy weight steers over 400kg averaged 314c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 232c to 307c with the medium weights averaging 287c and the heavy weights over 400kg averaged 292c/kg. This is the first time for quite a while that we have seen the feeder heifers sell at rates in excess of 300c/kg.

Young restocker cattle finished firm to 5c/kg dearer with the young steers selling from 190c to 312c with the good number of calves weighing between 200kg and 280kg averaging 275c while the young restocker heifers sold from 132c to 259c/kg.

The extra support created by the extra southern processor maintained a firm market for the few grown steers with the prime medium and heavy weights selling from 280c to 328c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 260c to 328c/kg. Grown heifers were also dearer with the better types selling from 265c to 308c/kg.

Cows to the processors were 6c dearer for the plainer lightweight cows and up to 15c dearer for the better finished cows. 2 score cows sold from 150c to 223c with the large number weighing between 400kg and 520kg averaging 202c/kg. The better 3 and 4 score cows sold from 224c to 276c with the prime heavy weights averaging 266c/kg. Good numbers of cows were purchased by southern restockers who paid from 179c to 242c rates which were up to 25c/kg dearer than the previous sale.

Bulls to the processors were up to 15c cheaper with the better muscled heavy weight bulls in good condition selling from 226 to 265c/kg. Good numbers of bulls sold to the restockers who paid from 178c to 276c/kg.

For full NLRS sale report click here



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