Most categories sold to easier rates in a yarding of 3550 head, down by 250 on the previous week.
It was only a fair quality yarding with limited numbers of prime cattle throughout the yarding.
The overall cow quality and grown steer quality was not to the standard of previous sales with the exception of one local consignment of outstanding Charolais cows.
There were reasonable numbers to suit the feeder orders along with good numbers of plainer cattle in from the far west with consignments from Broken Hill Tibooburra Tilpa Cobar Ivanhoe and Coonamble along with large numbers from the Trangie Warren and Nyngan districts. Most of the regular buyers were operating though there was not the enthusiasm compared to the previous couple of sales.
NLRS advise trade cattle were firm to 4c cheaper with limited numbers of prime vealers to the trade buyers selling from 299c to 306c/kg. Prime steer yearlings sold from 275c to 305c while the few properly finished heifer yearlings sold from 252c to 292c/kg.
Feeder steers and heifers were 8c to 10c cheaper with no support at all coming from southern operators. The feeder steers sold from 266c to 324c with the medium weights averaging 305c and the heavier weights 300c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 254c to 309c with the medium and heavy weights averaging around 280c/kg.
Steers to the restockers were firm to a little cheaper with the lightweights selling from 305c to 415c while the older steers to the backgrounders sold from307c to 336c/kg. Young heifers returning to the paddock sold from 257c to 340c/kg.
Grown steers were up to 8c cheaper with the plainer quality of the yarding having an effect on the result. The prime medium weight steers weighing between 500kg and 600kg sold from 258c to 283c to average 271c while the heavier weights sold from 262c to 283c to average 277c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 260c to 320c/kg. The lighter weight grown heifers were cheaper while the heavier weights went against the trend finishing 5c dearer selling from246c to 270c to average 262c/kg.
Plainer conditioned cows were 1c to 3c cheaper while the properly finished cows started the sale on a cheaper note but strengthened as the sale progressed finishing firm. 2 score cows to the processors sold from 150c to 212c while the lighter cows to the restockers sold from 189c to 212c/kg. The better 3 and 4 score cows to the processors sold from 211c to 240c which was paid for the Charolais cows. The prime heavy weight cows averaged 232c/kg.
There was a better line up of bulls in the yarding which finished 8c dearer with the prime heavy weights selling from 245c to 282c to average 265c while the young bulls to the restockers sold from 252c to 270c/kg.
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