Yarding 3177 Change -1393
It was a mixed yarding with some very well finished young cattle to suit the trade buyers along with fair numbers of young cattle to suit the feeders.
There was a good representation of grown steers and heifers and cows along with good numbers of Bos Indicus cattle throughout.
Young cattle to the trade were firm with prime steer yearlings selling from 358c to 458c/kg for outstanding B muscle Limousin’s.
Prime heifer yearlings sold from 360c to 442c once again for outstanding Limousin’s. Feeder steers were 16c to 20c cheaper while the feeder heifers finished 10c/kg cheaper.
Feeder steers sold from 320c to 396c while the feeder heifers sold from 270c to 356c/kg.
Young cattle to the restockers were around firm with the young steers selling from 285c to 446c while the young restocker heifers sold from 250c to 324c/kg.
Grown steers and heifers were up to 18c cheaper with the prime grown steers selling from 288c to 350c/kg. Prime grown heifers sold from 290c to 334c/kg.
Cows were 3c to 7c cheaper with the 2 and 3 scores selling from 162c to 265c/kg. Prime heavy weight cows sold from 246c to 301c to average 264c/kg. The restockers paid 210c and 220c/kg for cows in plain condition.
Heavy bulls sold to 298c/kg.
Market reporter: David Monk
Source: NLRS. To view full NLRS Dubbo sale report click here