
Dubbo sale 16 Feb 2017: Yarding contracts despite hot, dry conditions

David Monk 17/02/2017

Despite a week of hot dry conditions numbers were reduced by 1500 for a yarding of 3210.

It was a good quality yarding with a good selection of prime cattle in all sections with the bulk of the yarding sourced from local districts.

There were only a couple of consignments from the far west with loads coming from Cobar Bourke and Wanaaring.

In this sale there was a much larger percentage of young splitter calves than previous sales providing the restockers with a better selection to choose from.

MLA market information advises young cattle to the trade were firm to 5c dearer with steer vealers selling to 354c/kg. The heifer vealers sold from 326c to 369c with the calves weighing between 280kg and 330kg averaging 343c/kg. Prime steer yearlings sold from 295c to 340c with the heavier weights over 400kg averaging 312c/kg. The prime heifer yearlings sold from 294c to 329c to average 312c/kg.

Lightweight feeder steers and feeder heifers were firm while the heavier weight feeder steers over 400kg were 8c cheaper. Feeder steers sold from 295c to 364c with the large number over 400kg averaging 323c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 285c to 328c to average 309c/kg.

The better selection of young restocker calves were up to 30c dearer selling from 340c to 488c/kg for lightweight steer calves just over the 100kgs. Young heifers going back to the paddock sold from 328c to 484c/kg.

Grown steers were firm with the prime medium and heavy weights selling from 270c to 306c with the medium weights weighing between 500kg and 600kg averaging 294c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 284c to 305c/kg. Grown heifers were 1c dearer selling from 270c to 296c with the heavier weights over 540kg averaging 282c/kg./kg.

Plainer conditioned cows were up to 8c dearer with extra restocker support providing a good base in the market. The properly finished cows were firm. 2 score cows sold from 150c to 222c to the processors and 230c to the restockers. The better 3 and 4 scores sold from 210c to 242c with the prime heavy weights averaging 231c/kg.

Bulls were 5c dearer with the better muscled heavy weights over 600kg selling from 236c to 268c to average 254c/kg. The feeders paid to 328c for a pen of light weight young bulls while the restockers paid from 370c to 424c/kg.



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