
Dubbo sale 14 Mar 2019: Erratic market in smaller yarding

David Monk 15/03/2019

Yarding 3175 Change -1760

The forecast for weekend rain combined with the very cheap markets over the past two weeks reduced numbers considerably.

Once again cows and young calves made up the bulk of the yarding along with a pretty good selection or well finished trade cattle.

The feeder cattle were only fair and there were very few well finished grown steers and heifers.

The bulk of the cattle were sourced from local district with some very large consignments of cows with young calves from the Warren district.

The calves ranged in age from bobbies to weaners and fortunately sold to stronger competition from some fresh restocker orders.

Most of the regular processors were in attendance and operating though some feeder operators were absent. The market was erratic in the smaller yarding.

NLRS advises the young cattle to the trade were 2c dearer with vealers selling to 286c and the prime steer yearlings selling from 244c to 259c while the prime heifer yearlings sold from 220c to 240c/kg.

Feeder steers were 3c to 7c cheaper with quality a factor while the feeder heifers were 2c to 6c/kg dearer. The feeder steers sold from 180c to 255c with the medium weights averaging 236c and the heavy weights 242c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 162c to 237c with the medium weights averaging 207c/kg.

Young cattle to the restockers were the highlight of the sale following a very cheap market in the previous sale. The young restocker cattle were 20c to 30c dearer with the young steers selling from 95c to 233c with the large number of calves weighing less than 200kg averaging 166c while the 200kg to 280kg calves averaged 203c/kg. The young restocker heifers sold from 62c to 200c with the lightweight less than 200kg averaging 158c while the heavier weights averaged 164c/kg.

The few grown steers were considerably dearer on quality with the prime medium weights selling to 247c/kg. The grown steers to the feeders sold from 210c to 254c/kg. Grown heifers were also considerably dearer with the better types selling from 208c to 239c to average 225c/kg. Grown heifers lacking in condition sold to the restockers ranging in price from 128c to 163c/kg.

Cows finished 1c to 6c dearer with the 2 scores to the processors selling from 70c to 114c to average 100c while the better 3 and 4 scores sold from 105c to 179c with the prime heavy weights averaging 166c/kg. Good numbers of 1 and 2 score cows sold to the restockers also at dearer rates ranging in price from 38c to 125c/kg.

Bulls were also dearer with the better heavy weights selling from to 210c to average 197c/kg. Younger bulls sold to the restockers selling from 143c to 170c/kg.

To read full NLRS report click here




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