
Dubbo sale 13 July 2017: Cheaper market reflects dry conditions

David Monk 14/07/2017

As the seasonal conditions continue to worsen numbers are lifting with numbers rising by 900 for a yarding of 4900.

It was a much plainer quality yarding with a large influence of far western cattle throughout the yarding with consignments from Tibooburra, White Cliffs, Broken Hill, Walgett, Brewarrina, Goodooga, Coolabah along with smaller numbers from local districts.

A big percentage of the far western cattle presented in store condition with the very dry season now being experienced over such a large area.

There was a fair selection of cows though prime young cattle and grown steers were in limited supply.

Not all the regular buyers were operating with the absence of both northern and southern feeder orders.

NLRS advise that young cattle to the trade were 6c to 9c cheaper with the steer vealers selling from 300c to 329c while the prime heifer vealers sold from 270c to 315c/kg. The prime steer yearlings to the trade sold from 265c to 330c with the heavy weights over 400kg averaging 300c/kg. The prime heifer yearlings sold from 266c to 315c/kg.

Young feeder cattle were 12c to 22c cheaper with the feeder steers selling from 265c to 332c with the heavier weights over 400kg averaging 307c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 254c to 317c to average 287c/kg.

Young steers to the restockers were up to 40c cheaper with the steer vealers going back to the paddock selling from 272c to 339c while the young heifers which were up to 30c cheaper to the restockers sold from 220c to 290c/kg. With the large number of western cattle a number of yearlings sold to the restockers with the steers ranging in price from 230c to 327c and the heifer yearlings sold from 218c to 268c/kg.

Grown steers were firm to 4c cheaper with the prime medium and heavy weights selling from 275c to 304c with the medium weights weighing between 500kg and 600kg averaging 292c/kg. The grown steers to the feeders which were mainly the lighter lines sold from 260c to 325c/kg. Grown heifers were 3c cheaper selling from 255c to 286c with the heavy weights averaging 260c/kg.

Cows were 2c to 3c cheaper with the 2 scores to the processors selling from 169c to 215c/kg. The restockers paid from 210c to 213c/kg for cows to fatten. The better 3 and 4 score cows to the processors sold from 203c to 251c with the prime heavy weights averaging 242c/kg.

Bulls were 6c dearer with the better muscled prime heavy weights selling from 240c to 272c to average 259c/kg. Young bulls to the restockers sold from 245c to 260c while the feeders paid from 226c to 236c/kg for suitable young bulls.


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