
Dubbo sale 20 Feb 2020: Restockers, processors tussle for cows

David Monk 21/02/2020

Yarding 1840 Change 300

Northern, southern, and local restockers push the processors out on the plainer conditioned cows resulting in those plainer cows selling at firm rates while the better conditioned heavier weight cows to the processors were 15c/kg cheaper, which is in line with all other major markets for the week.

Another week of storms saw numbers rise by just 300 for a yarding of 1840. The overall quality was only fair with only odd pens of young cattle to suit the processors and feeders. There was a couple of large consignments of lightweight weaner cattle with growers cashing in on the stronger markets and there were also a few local weaners in light and plain condition being sold due to the lack of rain.

There were a couple of pens of well finished grown steers and heifers, but only limited numbers of cows and the overall cow quality was back. Most of the cattle were sourced from local districts along with one large consignment from White Cliffs. Not all the regular processor buyers were operating however as mentioned the was extra restocker support for cows along with Hunter Valley buyers operating on young heifers.

NLRS advises the prime conditioned young cattle to the trade were very keenly sought after with trade cattle lifting by as much as 15c/kg. Some buyers reported that they were unable to fill orders due to the lack of suitable cattle. The prime steer yearlings sold from 349c to 360c while the prime heifer yearlings sold to 376c/kg.

There continues to be solid support for ideal feeders with most of the support coming from northern operators. Feeder steers were 3c dearer with the light and medium weights averaging 380c and 390c while the heavier weight feeder steers sold from 350c to 406c/kg. The lightweight feeder heifers were up to 20c dearer selling from 351c to 375c while the heavy weight feeder heifers were 3c/kg cheaper selling from 310c to 382c to average around 360c/kg.

The much larger numbers of young weaner cattle suitable for the restockers were cheaper with the plainer quality available a major factor in the cheaper market. Young steers to the restockers sold from 356c to 470c with the lightweight calves less than 200kg averaging 445c while the young heifers sold from 252c to 432c with the lightweights here averaging 411c/kg.

There were only a couple of pens of properly finished grown steers suitable for the processors which were 10c dearer selling from 349c to 355c/kg. There were several grown steers sold to the feeders which sold from 306c to 365c/kg.  Grown heifers were up to 15c dearer with the better classes to the processors selling from 316c to 344c/kg. Good numbers of two four and six tooth grown heifers sold to the restockers as growers start the process of rebuilding their herds. Grown heifers to the restockers sold from 242c for very plain heifers to 335c for good quality heifers in strong condition.

Plain conditioned cows to the processors were firm with the strong support from the restockers putting a very solid base in the market. The better finished heavier weight cows to the processors were 15c/kg cheaper. 2 score cows to the processors sold from 220c to 275c while the better 3 and 4 scores sold from 260c to 299c with the prime heavy weights averaging 283c/kg. Cows to the restockers were up to 20c dearer selling from 248c to 288c/kg.

The upward trend for the bulls continues with the better heavy weight bulls selling at 25c dearer rates ranging in price from 298c to 344c/kg. Lightweight bulls to the restockers sold from 282c to 344c/kg. The live exporters were not operating this week.



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