
Dubbo sale 5 Mar 2020: Prices rise as rain falls

David Monk 06/03/2020

Yarding 1310 Change -730

It was smiles all round with beautiful steady rain falling all morning at the Dubbo saleyards – in fact at the time of submitting this report there had been almost 20mm and it was still raining.

It was the forecast of this rain that knocked numbers around with the yarding falling by 730 for a total of just 1310. It was a good quality yarding with a large consignment of prime young cattle suitable for the processors and feeders sourced from a local feedlot.

There was a good selection of grown heifers no grown steers and only limited numbers of cows in the smaller yarding.

The bulk of the yarding were sourced from local districts with reports of very good falls of rain in the far west resulting in several road closures.

A highlight of the sale was the sale of the feedlot steers and heifers which sold to both the feeders and processors. The young cattle to the processors were up to 30c dearer while the young cattle to the feeders lifted by 10c to 20c/kg

MLA advises the prime steer yearlings sold from 364c to 390c with the medium weights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaging 388c/kg. The prime heifer yearlings sold from 338c to 406c with the good number of heavier weights over 400kg averaging 371c/kg.

The bulk of the strong competition for the feeder cattle was from northern operators. The feeder steers sold from 373c to 437c with the good numbers of medium weights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaging 410c while the heavy weights over 400kg averaged 387c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 342c to 404c with the good number of medium weights averaging 380c/kg.

Its mostly pretty easy and enjoyable selling store cattle on a rainy day and today was no exception with the young cattle to the restockers rising in price by as much as 45c/kg. The young steers sold from 370c to 484c with the lightweight calves less than 200kg averaging 461c/kg. The young restocker heifers sold from 350c to 442c with the lightweights here averaging 412c/kg.

There were no grown steers suitable for the processors to quote. There was a pen of grown steers suitable for the feeders and they sold for 359c/kg. Prime grown heifers were 10c dearer with the better types selling from 320c to 356c to average 337c/kg. Grown heifers to the restockers sold from 350c to 431c/kg.

Not all the regular cow buyers were operating due to the lack of numbers. Prime conditioned cows were 6c cheaper while the secondary cows were 6c to 12c/kg dearer. 2 score cows to the processors sold from 220c to 256c while the better 3 and 4 score cows sold from 265c to 300c with the prime heavy weights averaging 289c/kg. A few pens of cows to the restockers sold from 263c to 289c/kg.

There was also a very limited selection of heavy bulls which sold at firm rates selling from 310c to 329c/kg.


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