Yarding 2460 Change 860
Most sections of the market enjoyed gains in a good quality yarding with a number of the cattle showing the benefits of the original falls of rain.
Numbers lifted by 860 for a yarding of 2460. The quality of the yarding was good with a number of cattle showing the benefits of the green pick or crop assistance with some still getting grain assistance. There was a good selection of trade cattle and grown steers along with another good yarding of grown heifers. Once again cows were well supplied and there were good numbers of young cattle to suit the feeders. All the regular buyers were in attendance and operating along with the return of a northern feeder operator and some additional store orders.
NLRS advises young cattle to the trade were 2c to 5c dearer with prime steer yearlings selling from 276c to 310c to average around 300c/kg. A small number of prime heifer vealers sold from 263c to 275c while the prime heifer yearlings sold from 270c to 301c/kg.
Competition for the young feeder cattle continues to be solid with the young feeder cattle selling at 9c to 12c dearer rates. The feeder steers sold from 273c to 315c to average around 303c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 244c to 294c with the medium weights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaging 289c/kg.
With further patchy storm rain since the previous sale the interest in the young store cattle continues to strengthen with young cattle to the restockers gaining 20c/kg. The young steers sold from 236c to 356c with the large number of young steers weighing between 200kg and 280kg averaging just on 300c/kg. The young restocker heifers sold from 182c to 301c with the lightweights less than 200kg averaging 262c/kg.
It was the best display of properly finished grown steers we have seen in Dubbo for some time with a large consignment from the Binnaway district which had been grain assisted. As a result grown steers were 10c to 15c dearer with few to compare to in the previous sale. The prime medium and heavy weights sold from 280c to 309c to average 303c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 250c to 297c/kg. Grown heifers were around firm with the better types selling from 262c to 277c/kg.
Cows to the processors were firm to 2c dearer with the 2 scores selling from 160c to 210c/kg. The better 3 and 4 score cows sold from 213c to 261c which was paid for C muscle Limousin cows. The prime heavy weight cows averaged 246c/kg. Cows to the restockers had varying results due to quality and they sold from 125c to 222c/kg.
Bulls were 4 c cheaper with better heavy weights selling from 221c to 263c/kg.
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