
Dubbo Sale 10 Oct 2019: Restocker rates slip

David Monk 11/10/2019

Yarding 4135 Change 35

Young cattle to the restockers were up to 30c cheaper and more in places due to less competition from southern NSW and Victorian buyers.

Numbers remained very similar for a yarding of 4135.Yearlings lacking finish and cows made up the bulk of the yarding along with good numbers of grown heifers as the selloff continues due to the dry conditions. There were very few grown steers yarded and only limited numbers of well finished trade cattle. again the cattle were sourced from far and wide with consignments from the Bylong Valley Wilcannia Wanaaring Carinda Bourke Brewarrina Cunnamulla along with the usual local cattle. As the conditions get dryer and dryer each week we see more graziers totally destocking. Most of the regular processors were operating however a Victorian restocker who has been a regular for some time now and a southern NSW feeder operator did not attend.

The few young cattle to the trade were 5c to 9c cheaper with the prime steer yearlings selling from 282c to 300c while the prime heifer yearlings sold from 265c to 280c/kg. Two well finished European cross heifer vealers sold for 283c/kg.

Feeder steers were firm while the feeder heifers were up to 8c/kg cheaper and more in places due to the smaller field of buyers. The feeder steers sold from 247c to 304c with the heavy weight over 400kg averaging 299c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 206c to 280c with the lighter weights weighing between 280kg and 330kg averaging 234c while the heavier weights over 400kg averaged 260c/kg.

Young cattle to the restockers were up to 30c/kg cheaper and more in places with the young steers selling from 100c to 308c/kg. There was a large number of steer yearlings lacking finish and weighing between 200kg and 280kg which sold to the restockers from between 196c and 308c to average 253c/kg. The lightweight steer calves weighing less than 200kg sold from 210c to 258c to average 230c/kg. Young restocker heifers sold from 106c to 249c with the good number of yearlings weighing between 200kg and 280kg selling from 190c to 237c to average 208c while the lightweight heifer calves weighing less than 200kg averaged 214c/kg.

The few grown steers were around firm with the prime medium and heavy weights selling from 275c to 309c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 228c to 292c/kg. Grown heifers were firm to 5c dearer with the better types to the processors selling from 245c to 291c/kg. Good numbers of grown heifers lacking finish sold to the restockers from 178c to 241c/kg which represents great buying for those who can handle them.

Cows to the processors were 4c dearer with the 2 scores selling from 110c to 210c with the good number of cows weighing between 400kg and 520kg averaging 198c/kg. The better 3 and 4 score cows sold from 201c to 265c with the prime heavy weights averaging 243c/kg. The restockers were still active on the plainer conditioned cows which sold at similar rates to the previous sale. The restockers paid from 60c for very light plain quality cows to 202c for young Angus cows in fair condition.

Bulls were 3c to 5c dearer with the high yielding heavy weight bulls selling from 215c to 276c/kg. Young bulls to the restockers sold from 150c to 240c/kg.

For full NLRS sale report click here


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