
Dubbo 17 Aug 2017: Southern rain sparks restocker interest

David Monk 18/08/2017

Numbers lifted this week by 250 for a yarding of 3850.

Quality was mixed with a large percentage of the yarding consisting of young cattle lacking finish with growers making the decision to sell before their cattle started to lose too much condition with the ongoing dry.

There was though still a fair selection of prime trade cattle and grown steers and cows throughout a number of which had grain assistance or have come off crops.

There were very few far western consignments though there was a large line of Droughtmaster cross cows which had been agisting in the Quambone district and were being sold due to the feed cutting out. All of the regular buyers were operating along with solid support coming from southern restockers on suitable cattle.

NLRS advises that vealers to the trade were firm with the steer portion selling from 280 to 316c while the heifer vealers sold from 270c to 315c/kg. Yearlings to the trade were 3c to 7c/kg cheaper with the prime steer yearlings selling from 255c to 309c with the heavier weights averaging 284c/kg. The prime heifer yearlings sold from 242c also to 309c to average 264c/kg.

Lightweight heifers to the feeders were close to firm while the balance of the feeders was 8c to 12c cheaper. A limited supply of ideal feeder steers sold from 230c to 310c with the heavier weights over 400kg averaging 295c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 220c to 297c to average 260c/kg.

Following the useful falls of rain earlier in the week in the southern parts of NSW and Victoria young cattle to the restockers were up to 20c dearer as buyers sought cattle to put on crops. Young steers sold from 272c to 331c with the calves weighing between 200kg and 280kg averaging 316c while the heifers returning to the paddock sold from 269c to 299c/kg.

Grown steers were 5c to 9c cheaper with the prime medium and heavy weights selling from 245c to 294c with the medium weights averaging 278c/kg. The feeders paid from 250c to 304c for grown steers to feed. A limited selection of grown heifers were 4c cheaper selling from 232c to 272c/kg.

Cows were 5c to 10c dearer with all of the buying support coming from southern processors. 2 score cows to the processors sold from 158c to 211c to average 200c/kg. Restocking orders were active once again mainly from southern operators with particular interest in the Droughtmaster cross cows which had been running with the Shorthorn bulls. The restockers paid from 186c to 215c/kg. The better 3 and 4 score cows to the processors sold from 212c to 255c with the 4 score heavy weights averaging 241c/kg.

Bulls were a little cheaper with the properly finished heavy weights selling from 200c to 264c while young bulls to the restockers sold to 240c/kg.


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