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Yarding 3428 Change -515
A full panel of export buyers was present, however not all were operating. The usual feeder and trade buyers plus local and interstate restockers were present and active in the market, with 1,000 head purchased by interstate restockers.
Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock were well supplied and averaged a further 12c/kg dearer. Medium weight yearling steers to feed improved in price by 6c to 13c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed averaged 5c/kg dearer.
Light weight yearling heifers to restockers or background averaged 9c to 27c/kg better. Yearling heifers to feed received strong demand for the quality penned. Good heavy weight cows could not maintain the increased prices experienced the previous sale and lost 7c to 20c/kg.
However plain condition cows returning to the paddock went against this trend to average 6c/kg better.
Yearling steers under 200kg made to 569.2c with a good sample averaging 516c/kg. A large number of yearling steers under 280kg made to 546c to average 474c/kg. Yearling steers to feed for the domestic market averaged from 416c to 446c with occasional sales to 470c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed made to 415c to average 405c/kg.
Light weight yearling heifers under 200kg averaged 487c and made to 518c/kg. Yearling heifers under 280kg made to 473c to average 442c/kg. Yearling heifers to feed averaged from 391c to 411c and sold to 433c/kg. Heavy weight yearling heifers to feed averaged 373c and made to 384c/kg.
Heavy grown steers to export processors made to 384.2c to average 364c, and bullocks made to 381.2/kg.
Medium weight plain condition cows returning to the paddock made to 286c with a large sample averaging 281c/kg. Good heavy weight cows to export processors made to 300c to average 290c/kg.
Heavy weight bulls made to 343c/kg.
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GDL report
All categories increased by 5c to 10c except export cows which were 20c cheaper as some export buyers were not operating. Store cows, bullocks, trade steers and heifers were 10c dearer. Over 1,000 head of weaner cattle going south to NSW.
Prime Quotes
Heifers up to 400kg – Lowest 380c/kg, highest 410c/kg, Av 391c/kg
Heifers over 400kg – Lowest 344c/kg, highest 344c/kg, Av 344c/kg
Cows up to 400kg – Lowest 211c/kg, highest 220c/kg, Av 211c/kg
Cows 400kg to 500kg – Lowest 260c/kg, highest 286c/kg, Av 281c/kg
Cows over 500kg – Lowest 275c/kg, highest 292c/kg, Av 282c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 381c/kg, highest 381c/kg, Av 381c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 339c/kg, highest 384c/kg, Av 363c/kg
Store & Feeder Quotes
Steers up to 200kg – Lowest 478c/kg, highest 569c/kg, Av 515c/kg
Steers 200kg to 300kg – Lowest 423c/kg, highest 546c/kg, Av 474c/kg
Steers 300kg to 400kg – Lowest 404c/kg, highest 444c/kg, Av 415c/kg
Feeder steers over 400kg – Lowest 380c/kg, highest 415c/kg, Av 405c/kg
Heifers up to 200kg – Lowest 424c/kg, highest 518c/kg, Av 487c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 300kg – Lowest 386c/kg, highest 433c/kg, Av 411c/kg
Heifers 300kg to 400kg – Lowest 380c/kg, highest 410c/kg, Av 391c/kg
Feeder heifers over 400kg – Lowest 350c/kg, highest 384c/kg, Av 373c/kg
Feeder/Boat Bulls – Lowest 345c/kg, highest 380c/kg, Av 374c/kg
Kill Bulls – Lowest 301c/kg, highest 343c/kg, Av 326c/kg
Charolais X Bulls sold by MR & JR Slack of Meandarra to feedlotters 376.2c/kg, 450kg, $1692.
Angus Bulls sold by Araluen Pastoral of Goondiwindi to processors 324.2c/kg, 853kg, $2766.
Droughtmaster X Cows sold by WN Winks of St George to processors 300.0c/kg, 581kg, $1743.
Droughtmaster X Cows sold by RA & BL McClymont of St George to restockers 286.2c/kg, 442kg, $1265.
Young Santa Bullocks sold by W Keen of Goondiwindi to processors 360.0c/kg, 541kg, $1949.
Angus X Steers sold by GH & NG Weldon of Wandoan to feedlotters 412.2c/kg, 487kg, $2009.
Charolais X Steers sold by B Lobegeiger of Drillham to processors 384.2c/kg, 543kg, $2089.
Angus 2 Tooth Heifers sold by Araluen Pastoral of Goondiwindi to processors 353.2c/kg, 498kg, $1761.
Santa X Heifers sold by GH & NG Weldon of Wandoan to feedlotters 384.2c/kg, 361kg, $1388.
Angus Ylg Steers sold by Lagoon Pastoral Co of Dalby to restockers 518.2c/kg, 276kg, $1432.
Angus Ylg Heifers sold by A Keith & Co of Jandowae to restockers 469.2c/kg, 243kg, $1141.
Angus Ylg Heifers sold by Lagoon Pastoral Co of Dalby to restockers 448.2c/kg, 273kg, $1227.
Santa Ylg Heifers sold by SK & AK Cullen of Maidenwell to feedlotters 430.2c/kg, 348kg, $1498.
Sources: NLRS, Grant Daniel Long, Eastern Rural