
Dalby sale 31 October: Light steers returning to the paddock 21c/kg dearer

Beef Central 31/10/2019

Click above to watch video market report from Ray White Eastern Rural’s Wyatt Wrigley.

Yarding: 7947 head  Change: +1810

NUMBERS lifted by 1810 head to 7947, the largest yarding since the late July, and included in the lineup were 3140 head from far Western Queensland, and 200 head from NSW.

A large number of mixed quality cows came forward, along with a relatively small selection of heavy grown steers and bullocks, and there was a wide variation in the standard of the large supply of young cattle. Buyer attendance was generally good and all were operating. Lightweight yearling steers returning to the paddock averaged 21c/kg dearer.

Medium and heavy weight yearling steers to feed varied in price according to quality, however well bred lines improved in price. Lightweight yearling heifers to restockers or background lifted in price by 20c/kg. Medium and heavy weight yearling heifers to feed and the trade averaged 7c to 14c better and close to 20c/kg in places. Cows sold to a mixed trend with plain condition classes 5c to 15c better, however good cows averaged 5c to 10c/kg less.

Lightweight yearling steers returning to the paddock made to 312.2c with a large sample averaging 274c/kg. Medium weight yearling steers to feed averaged 293c and made to 320.2c and heavyweights to feed sold to 318.2c to average 298c/kg. The few heavyweights to the trade made to 329.2c/kg. Lightweight yearling heifers were well supplied and averaged 232c with sales to 256.2c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to feed averaged 265c, and the better condition lines made to 292.2c to average 282c/kg. Heavy weight yearling heifers to feed averaged 285c
and made to 295.2c/kg.

Heavy grown steers to export slaughter made to 337.2c to average 326c, and a couple of bullocks also made to 337.2c/kg. Medium weight poor condition cows sold to restockers at an average of 196c with some to 216.2c/kg. Medium weight 2 score cows to processors made to 226.2c to average 215c/kg. The best of the medium weights made to 264.2c to average 254c/kg. Good heavy cows made to a top of 272.2c with a large sample around 265c/kg. Bulls made to 305.2c with the largest numbers at 272c/kg.

Full report from NLRS click here.


Santa Cows sold by The Herbert Bruggemann Family Trust of Taroom to processors 269.2c/kg, 642kg, $1729

Charbray Cows sold by S & T Gilligan of Charleville to processors 272.2c/kg, 588kg, $1601

Simmental Bulls sold by AJ & SJ Wenham of Meandarra to processors 275.2c/kg, 885kg, $2435

Droughtmaster Bullock Steers sold by Daniel Livestock P/L of Longreach to processors 279.2c/kg, 731kg, $2195

Angus & Angus Young Bullock Steers sold by BP & MD Jackson of Dalby to processors 331.2c/kg, 518kg, $1717

Santa X Heifers sold by S & T Gilligan of Charleville to processors 270.0c/kg, 522kg, $1411

Hereford Heavy Feeder Steers sold by Staines Partnership of Wandoan to feedlotters 301.2c/kg, 450kg, $1357

Charolais Heifers sold by A Keith & Co of Jandowae to feedlotters 292.2c/kg, 352kg, $1030

Charolais X Yearling Heifers sold by MB & TA Groat F/T of Westmar to backgrounders 250.2c/kg, 279kg, $698

Brahman X Yearling Steers sold by MB & TA Groat F/T of Westmar to backgrounders 306.2c/kg, 313kg, $958

Prime Quotes:

Heifers up to 400kg – Lowest 120.0c/kg, highest 295.5c/kg, Av 265.3c/kg
Heifers over 400kg – Lowest  190.0c/kg, highest  302.2c/kg, Av 278.7c/kg
Cows up to 400kg – Lowest 70.0c/kg, highest  206.2c/kg, Av 164.8c/kg
Cows 400kg to 500kg – Lowest  68.2c/kg, highest  272.2c/kg, Av 254.0c/kg
Cows over 500kg – Lowest   212.2c/kg, highest  272.2c/kg, Av 248.6c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest   200.0c/kg, highest  256.2c/kg, Av 234.8c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 231.2c/kg, highest 337.2c/kg, Av 325.8c/kg

Store and feeder quotes:

Steers 200kg to 280kg – Lowest  134.2c/kg, highest 312.2c/kg, Av 273.6c/kg
Steers 280kg to 400kg – Lowest 190.2c/kg, highest 320.2c/kg, Av 292.7c/kg
Feeder steers 400kg+ – Lowest  222.2c/kg, highest  329.2c/kg, Av 298.3c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 320kg – Lowest 110.2c/kg, highest  256.2c/kg, Av 232.2c/kg
Heifers 320kg to 370kg – Lowest  198.6c/kg, highest 254.2c/kg, Av 237.2c/kg
Feeder heifers over 370kg – Lowest  120.0c/kg, highest  295.2c/kg, Av 281.6c/kg


Sources: NLRS, Ray White Eastern Rural, Grant Daniel Long


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