
Dalby sale 27 Nov 2019: Export cattle cheaper

Beef Central 28/11/2019

Click above to watch video market report from Ray White Eastern Rural’s Peter Bird.

Yarding 6715 Change -2359

Apart from 1206 head from far Western Queensland the balance of the yarding was drawn from the usual local supply areas.

A large number of cows once again dominated the grown cattle section.

Buyer attendance was not as good as the previous week with one major export processor absent from the buying panel.

However most of the regular feeder buyers were in attendance and operating, along with a fair line-up of restocker buyers.

Prices for light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock received only quality related price changes. Medium weight yearling steers to feed followed a similar trend, with quality lines receiving strong support. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed experienced very little change in price.

Light weight yearling heifers to restockers or background sold to firm demand. The better end of the medium weight yearling heifers to feed and the trade averaged 2c to 4c/kg dearer.

The small sample of heavy grown steers and bullocks to processors averaged 26c to 33c/kg less.

All classes of cows sold to a cheaper trend to average 25c to 47c/kg less, on top of the losses experienced the previous week.

Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock were well supplied and made to 288.2c to average 251c, and poor quality lines averaged 190c/kg. Medium weight yearling steers to feed made to a top of 318.2c, with a large sample averaging 284c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed also made to 318.2c with a fair sample averaging 301c/kg.

Light weight yearling heifers averaged 219c and made to 250.2c, while the poor quality lines average 140c/kg. Plain condition medium weight yearling heifers to feed averaged 246c, and the better condition classes to feed made to 284.2c to average 270c/kg. Medium weight poor condition cows to processors averaged 145c, and restocker lines averaged 151c/kg. Medium weight 2 scores to processors averaged 162c, and restocker classes 179c/kg.

Good heavy cows made to the occasional 225.2c, with a large sample averaging 210c/kg.

Heavy bulls made to 282.2c/kg.

Full report from NLRS click here

Grant Daniel Long report

A total yarding of 6715 head of cattle was yarded in Dalby today. Export cattle were extremely cheaper due to some buyers not operating. Ongoing dry weather and high demand in cattle we’re seeing an overfill of cattle being killed. 0

Prime Quotes
Heifers up to 400kg – Lowest 96.0c/kg, highest 228.2c/kg, Av 204.4c/kg
Heifers over 400kg – Lowest  236.2c/kg, highest  265.0c/kg, Av 250.2c/kg
Cows up to 400kg – Lowest 20.0c/kg, highest  185.0c/kg, Av 164.2c/kg
Cows 400kg to 500kg – Lowest  60.0c/kg, highest  220.0c/kg, Av 178.6c/kg
Cows over 500kg – Lowest   122.2c/kg, highest  225.2c/kg, Av 209.6c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest   118.0c/kg, highest  285.0c/kg, Av 256.4c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 220.0c/kg, highest 277.2c/kg, Av 269.6c/kg

Store & Feeder Quotes
Steers 200kg to 280kg – Lowest  152.0c/kg, highest 288.0c/kg, Av 259.5c/kg
Steers 280kg to 400kg – Lowest 95.0c/kg, highest 318.2c/kg, Av 248.5c/kg
Feeder steers 400kg+ – Lowest  245.0c/kg, highest  318.0c/kg, Av 260.5c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 320kg – Lowest 66.2c/kg, highest  250.0c/kg, Av 208.4c/kg
Heifers 320kg to 370kg – Lowest  150.0c/kg, highest 284.2c/kg, Av 236.6c/kg
Feeder heifers over 370kg – Lowest  160.0c/kg, highest  290.0c/kg, Av 225.7c/kg


Santa Cows sold by Mulianna Pastoral of Quilpie to processors 225.0c/kg, 643kg, $1446.
Brahman Cows sold by Twatty Pastoral Co of Quilpie to processors 210.0c/kg, 448kg, $941.
Braford Bulls sold by W & J McNamara of Bell to exporters 278.2c/kg, 760kg, $2114.
Charolais Yearling Bulls sold by Postle Pastoral Co of Dalby to exporters 278.2c/kg, 640kg, $1780.
Angus X Young Bullock Steers sold by Hailiang Aust AG Dv Pty Ltd of Goondiwindi to exporters 278.2c/kg, 515kg, $1435.
Charolais Feeder Steers sold by AT & SM Billsborough of Moonie to feedlotters 308.2c/kg, 397kg, $1224.
Droughtmaster X Steers sold by Krank Industries Rural Industries Services of Kingaroy to restockers 278.2c/kg, 308kg, $857.
Charolais X Feeder Heifers sold by MJ, TA & AD O’Dwyer of Ducklo to feedlotters 265.2c/kg, 360kg, $954.
Santa Yearling Steers sold by J Allwood of Yuleba to restockers 254.2c/kg, 246kg, $625.

Sources: NLRS, Ray White Eastern Rural


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