Yarding 4145 Change 52
Numbers remain very close to the previous weeks level at 4,145 head at Dalby.
Buyer representation was good with representatives covering all categories.
Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock experienced some quality related price changes to average 13c/kg less, however well bred lines continued to receive strong support from local and interstate restockers.
Medium and heavy weight yearling steers to feed averaged 6c to 7c/kg cheaper.
However a lift in the standard of the yearling heifers to feed for the domestic market resulted in average prices improving.
Heavy grown steers and bullocks to export processors sold to a cheaper trend to average 8c to 20c/kg less. All classes of cows could not maintain the improvements of the previous sale to lose 6c to 7c and up to 15c/kg in places.
Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock were well supplied and made to 666.2c to average 506c/kg. Yearling steers to feed for the domestic market averaged from 450c to 462c with the occasional sale to 502c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed made to 462.2c to average 435c/kg.
Yearling heifers under 200kg made to 596c to average 564c/kg. Yearling heifers under 280kg averaged 474c and made to 530c/kg. Yearling heifers to feed averaged from 416c to 444c and made to 462c/kg.
Heavy grown steers and bullocks averaged 362c and 350c respectively and sold to 373c/kg.
Medium weight plain condition cows returning to the paddock made to 314c to average 295c/kg.
Medium weight 2 scores to processors averaged 268c and sold to 275c/kg.
Good heavy weight cows made to 305c to average 297c/kg.
Heavy weight bulls made to 315c/kg.
To view full NLRS market report click here
Grant Daniel Long report
A slightly smaller yarding saw a mixed quality line of cattle. Feeder cattle sold to a slightly cheaper trend with good quality light weight weaners still in strong demand.
Prime Quotes
Heifers up to 400kg – Lowest 321c/kg, highest 350c/kg, Av 340.2c/kg
Heifers over 400kg – Lowest 318c/kg, highest 346c/kg, Av 325c/kg
Cows up to 400kg – Lowest 206c/kg, highest 240c/kg, Av 220c/kg
Cows 400kg to 500kg – Lowest 283c/kg, highest 303c/kg, Av 288.2c/kg
Cows over 500kg – Lowest 290c/kg, highest 305c/kg, Av 296c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 358c/kg, highest 388c/kg, Av 381.3c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 297c/kg, highest 315c/kg, Av 305.5c/kg
Store & Feeder Quotes
Steers up to 200kg – Lowest 568.2c/kg, highest 654c/kg, Av 630c/kg
Steers 200kg to 280kg – Lowest 466c/kg, highest 666.2c/kg, Av 505.7c/kg
Steers 280kg to 330kg – Lowest 400c/kg, highest 502c/kg, Av 462.1c/kg
Steers 330kg to 400kg – Lowest 400c/kg, highest 468c/kg, Av 449.6c/kg
Feeder steers over 400kg – Lowest 400c/kg, highest 462.2c/kg, Av 434.7c/kg
Heifers up to 200kg – Lowest 482c/kg, highest 596c/kg, Av 563.6c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 280kg – Lowest 440c/kg, highest 530c/kg, Av 473.6c/kg
Heifers 280kg to 330kg – Lowest 396c/kg, highest 462c/kg, Av 439.3c/kg
Heifers 330kg to 400kg – Lowest 418c/kg, highest 449.2c/kg, Av 444.5c/kg
Feeder heifers over 400kg – Lowest 396c/kg, highest 404c/kg, Av 399.4c/kg
Feeder/Boat Bulls – Lowest 358c/kg, highest 388c/kg, Av 381.3c/kg
Kill Bulls – Lowest c/kg, highest c/kg, Av c/kg
Hereford X Bulls sold by ME & NJ Kemph of Yamison to processors 313.2c/kg, 1,020kg, $3,194.
Limousin Cows sold by Dalby State School Bunya Campus of Dalby to processors 307.2c/kg, 645kg, $1,981.
Charolais Ylg Steers sold by MJ Glenny of Kingaroy to re-stockers 666.2c/kg, 217kg, $1,445.
Charolais Ylg Steers sold by A Keith & Co of Bell to backgrounders 498.2c/kg, 349kg, $1,741.
Charolais Ylg Heifers sold by MJ Glenny of Kingaroy to re-stockers 558.2c/kg, 186kg, $1,039.
Sources: NLRS, Grant Daniel Long, Eastern Rural