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Yarding 4172 Change -231
The fair panel of buyers in attendance included a Victorian export processor, however one major exporter was absent from the buying panel.
Feeder and restocker buyers continued to provide very strong competition across all classes of yearling steers and heifers, with strong support from interstate buyers.
Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock averaged 9c/kg better. Yearling steers to feed sold to very strong demand. Light weight yearling heifers averaged 9c/kg dearer.
Cows varied in price with the better end of the cows averaging 13c to 14c/kg cheaper, however the remainder of the cows experienced only quality related price changes.
Mixed sex calves sold to restockers an average of 422c, with steer calves to 468.2c/kg. Light weight yearling steers were well supplied and made to 478.2c to average 430c/kg. Medium weight yearling steers to feed made to 406.2c to average 379c/kg.
Heavy weight yearling steers to feed averaged 384c and made to 396c/kg. A handful of heavy weight yearling steers sold to the wholesale meat trade at 374.2c/kg to return $2,076/head. Light weight heifers made to 418c with a large sample averaging 389c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to feed made to 384c to average 356c, and heavy weight yearling heifers to feed averaged 338c and made to 347c/kg. A handful of heavy weight yearling heifers to the trade made to 398c/kg. Heavy grown steers to export processors made to 340c to average 322c/kg. Heavy grown heifers also to export processors made to 345.2c/kg.
Medium weight 3 score cows averaged 264c/kg. The best of the medium weight cows made to 285c to average 279c/kg. A fair supply of good heavy cows averaged 284c with the occasional pen to 294.2c/kg.
Heavy bulls made to 326c/kg.
Full report from NLRS click here
Grant Daniel Long report
With the absence of a major export buyer cows, bullocks and bulls were slightly cheaper. Remainder of cattle sold very well to a solid market.
Prime Quotes
Heifers up to 400kg – Lowest 252.0c/kg, highest 345.2c/kg, Av 330.5c/kg
Heifers over 400kg – Lowest 294.0c/kg, highest 294.0c/kg, Av 294.0c/kg
Cows up to 400kg – Lowest 110.0c/kg, highest 245.0c/kg, Av 240.0c/kg
Cows 400kg to 500kg – Lowest 180.0c/kg, highest 285.0c/kg, Av 264.1c/kg
Cows over 500kg – Lowest 251.0c/kg, highest 294.2c/kg, Av 283.5c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 180.0c/kg, highest 354.0c/kg, Av 326.5c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 290.0c/kg, highest 374.0c/kg, Av 322.3c/kg
Store & Feeder Quotes
Steers 200kg to 280kg – Lowest 210.0c/kg, highest 478.2c/kg, Av 430.3c/kg
Steers 280kg to 400kg – Lowest 240.0c/kg, highest 406.2c/kg, Av 379.0c/kg
Feeder steers over 400kg – Lowest 300.0c/kg, highest 396.0c/kg, Av 383.7c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 320kg – Lowest 220.0c/kg, highest 418.0c/kg, Av 389.1c/kg
Heifers 320kg to 370kg – Lowest 240.0c/kg, highest 407.0c/kg, Av 356.4c/kg
Feeder heifers over 370kg – Lowest 290.0c/kg, highest 398.0c/kg, Av 337.8c/kg
Feeder/Boat Bulls – Lowest 248.0c/kg, highest 388.0c/kg, Av 368.5c/kg
Kill Bulls – Lowest 233.0c/kg, highest 326.0c/kg, Av 288.7c/kg
Santa Bulls sold by GJ & HG Wippell of St George to processors 291.2c/kg, 995kg, $2897.
Brangus X Cows sold by McIntyre Agriculture of St George to processors 290.0c/kg, 590kg, $1711.
Brahman Cows sold by Tranton Pty Ltd of Byee to processors 290.0c/kg, 615kg, $1783.
Santa Heavy Heifers sold by L & JK Wieck of Kingaroy to processors 294.2c/kg, 733kg, $2157.
Limousin X Young Bullock Steers sold by T O’Dwyer of Ducklo to processors 374.2c/kg, 555kg, $2076.
Limousin X Young Bullock Steers sold by Whispering Pines Cattle Co of Dalby to processors 374.2c/kg, 565kg, $2114.
Hereford X Yearling Feeder Heifers sold by GH & NG Weldon of Wandoan to restockers 388.2c/kg, 321kg, $1248.
Charolais Yearling Weaner Steers sold by Mylett Pastoral of Bell to backgrounders 446.2c/kg, 252kg, $1128.
Angus & Angus Yearling Weaner Steers sold by VG & MY Kerkow of Kingaroy to backgrounders 464.2c/kg, 211kg, $981.
Charolais Yearling Weaner Heifers sold by Mylett Pastoral of Bell to backgrounders 400.2c/kg, 238kg, $956.
Sources: NLRS, Grant Daniel Long Ray White Eastern Rural