
Dalby sale 21 June 2017: Prices ease on bigger yarding, dry conditions

Beef Central 22/06/2017

Click above to watch video market report from Ray White Eastern Rural’s Peter Bird.


Yarding 6089 Change 526

Numbers again increased further and buyer attendance was not as good as the previous week in the export slaughter sections.

Overall quality was generally good and young cattle were in the largest numbers.

Young light weight steers returning to the paddock could not maintain the previous week’s averages, however top end quality lines were still in demand.

Average prices eased for medium and heavy weight yearling steers to feed by 6c to 10c/kg, however top prices remained close to the previous week.

Light weight yearling heifers to restockers or backgrounders eased 13c while medium and heavy weight yearling heifers to feed were firm to 3c/kg easier. Average prices for heavy grown steers and bullocks to export slaughter eased 7c to 9c/kg. A large supply of cows eased in price by 9c to 17c/kg with good heavy cows the most affected.

Steer calves returning to the paddock made to 434.2c with a large sample of mixed sex calves 352c/kg.

A very large number of light weight yearling steers sold to restockers at an average of 370c with some to 400.2c/kg. Medium weight yearling steers to feed sold in the 330c range with some to 354.2c/kg. Heavy weights to feed made to an isolated 346.2c with the largest numbers close to 320c/kg.

Light weight yearling heifers to restockers or backgrounders averaged 332c with sales to 346.2c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to feed averaged 317c and made to 337.2c/kg.

Medium weight grown steers to feed averaged 303c and made to 318c/kg. Heavy grown steers to export slaughter averaged 290c and bullocks averaged a similar amount with isolated sales to 310c/kg.

Plain condition cows to restockers were in demand with a large number close to 217c with some to 226.2c/kg. Medium weight 2 scores to processors averaged 205c and the best of the medium weights averaged 225c/kg. A large sample of good heavy cows mostly sold for 228c with an isolated sale to 240c/kg. Heavy bulls made to 270c/kg.

Source: NLRS, Ray White Eastern Rural


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