Click above to watch weekly video market report from Ray White Eastern Rural
Yarding 3922 Change 867
The usual panel of export and feeder buyers was present and operating in a generally dearer market.
0Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock averaged 9c/kg dearer. Medium weight yearling steers to feed for the domestic market averaged 19c to 21c/kg better. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed improved in price by 18c/kg. Light weight yearling averaged 2c dearer, and medium and heavy weight yearling heifers to feed gained 13c to 21c/kg. Cows generally sold to a dearer trend with processor lines improving by 6c, however restocker classes averaged 12c to 17c/kg dearer.
Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock sold to 470.2c to average 443c/kg. Medium weight yearling steers to feed made to 448c, with a large number making from 422c to 433c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed made to 430c to average 415c/kg.
Light weight yearling heifers made to 422c, with large number averaging 389c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to feed averaged 379c and sold to 410c/kg. Heavy weights to feed made to 401c to average 374c/kg. Medium weight cows to processors averaged 252c and sold to 268c/kg. Medium weight cows to restockers sold to a top of 283.2c with a large number averaging 275c/kg. Good heavy cows to processors sold to 304.2c, with a good sample at 296c/kg.
Heavy bulls made to 363.2c/kg.
Full report from NLRS click here
Grant Daniel Long report
Cattle numbers are decreasing but the cattle prices are at the best they’ve been for a long time. With the change of weather and green grass in most areas young cattle and feeder cattle are in high demand. Slaughter cattle are still very firm but with smaller numbers available.
Prime Quotes
Heifers up to 400kg – Lowest 248.0c/kg, highest 422.0c/kg, Av 379.8c/kg
Heifers over 400kg – Lowest 236.0c/kg, highest 401.2c/kg, Av 374.2c/kg
Cows up to 400kg – Lowest 120.0c/kg, highest 280.0c/kg, Av 227.0c/kg
Cows 400kg to 500kg – Lowest 231.0c/kg, highest 297.0c/kg, Av 277.1c/kg
Cows over 500kg – Lowest 275.0c/kg, highest 304.2c/kg, Av 295.7c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 282.0c/kg, highest 388.0c/kg, Av 368.7c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 284.2c/kg, highest 375.0c/kg, Av 318.0c/kg
Store & Feeder Quotes
Steers 200kg to 280kg – Lowest 254.0c/kg, highest 470.2c/kg, Av 442.8c/kg
Steers 280kg to 400kg – Lowest 271.0c/kg, highest 458.2c/kg, Av 422.2c/kg
Feeder steers 400kg+ – Lowest 364.0c/kg, highest 430.2c/kg, Av 415.5c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 320kg – Lowest 332.0c/kg, highest 350.0c/kg, Av 343.2c/kg
Heifers 320kg to 370kg – Lowest 276.0c/kg, highest 422.0c/kg, Av 388.7c/kg
Feeder heifers over 370kg – Lowest 254.2c/kg, highest 404.0c/kg, Av 379.0c/kg
Feeder/Boat Bulls – Lowest 152.0c/kg, highest 422.0c/kg, Av 376.4c/kg
Kill Bulls – Lowest 152.0c/kg, highest 388.0c/kg, Av 332.0c/kg
Santa Bulls sold by Talbingo Pastoral Co of Tara to processors 336.2c/kg, 1008kg, $3390.
Santa Yearling Bulls sold by Hayleigh Farms of Durong to feedlotters 388.2c/kg, 413kg, $1604.
Santa Cows sold by Thompson Business Trust of Dalby to processors 297.2c/kg, 668kg, $1986.
Charbray Steers sold by T & L Rutledge of Dalby to processors 284.2c/kg, 1110kg, $3154.
Simmental X Heifers sold by Perkins & Crouch of Chinchilla to restockers 359.2c/kg, 482kg, $1731.
Santa X Feeder Steers sold by Thompson Business Trust of Dalby to feedlotters 418.2c/kg, 402kg, $1684.
Angus X Feeder Steers sold by T & VM Jackson of Kingaroy to restockers 426.2c/kg, 390kg, $1663.
Santa Feeder Heifers sold by BG Lebsanft of Goombungee to feedlotters 388.2c/kg, 397kg, $1543.
Angus & Angus Yearling Steers sold by JI Benson of Oakey to restockers 438.2c/kg, 355kg, $1558.
Santa Yearling Heifers sold by A & P Morris of Kingaroy to restockers 386.2c/kg, 307kg, $1186.
Sources: NLRS, Grant Daniel Long Ray White Eastern Rural