
Dalby sale 17 Nov 2021: Very strong market for nation-topping yarding

Guest Author 18/11/2021

Yarding 5008 Change 2366

The supply of stock at Dalby lifted to the highest level in the nation this week with agents penning 5,008 head, an increase of 2,366.

Cattle were drawn from a wide area and included consignments from New South Wales and far Western Queensland, with one large run of 829 head from a single vendor.

All the regular export processors and feeder operators were in attendance plus local and interstate restockers and all were operating in a generally dearer market. Light weight yearling steers and heifers returning to the paddock improved by up to 30c/kg. Medium and heavy weight yearling steers to feed averaged 35c to 45c/kg better.

Yearling heifers to feed lifted in price by 7c to 36c/kg. A relatively small selection of heavy grown steers to export processors averaged 14c/kg dearer.

A large number of cows were penned and the best of the medium weights averaged 6c/kg better, while good heavy weight cows remain close to the previous weeks improved prices.

Yearling steers under 200kg made to 816c to average 707c/kg. Yearling steers under 280kg made to 800c with a large number averaging 676c/kg. Yearling steers to feed for the domestic market averaged from 597c to 644c with a very occasional pen reaching 732c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed made to 630c with a large sample averaging 559c/kg.

Light weight yearling heifers made to 722c with a fair sample averaging 627c/kg. Yearling heifers to feed averaged from 555c to 564c with sales to 628c/kg. Heavy weight yearling heifers to feed made to 550c to average 516c/kg.

Heavy grown steers to export processors made to 472c to average 469c, and the bullock portion made to a top of 452c/kg.

The best of the medium weight cows to export processors made to 420c to average 412c/kg.

A large selection of good heavy weight cows made to 422c to average 414c/kg.

Heavy weight bulls made to 380c/kg.

Cows and calves sold to a top of $3,650/unit.

Market Reporter: Trevor Hess.

To view full NLRS report click here

Grant Daniel Long market report

Quality was good today, market very strong. A good panel of buyers, all represented.  Local bidding was strong after the good rainfall. Most cattle stayed locally not many going to southern orders.

Prime Quotes
Heifers up to 400kg – Lowest 430c/kg, highest 492c/kg, Av 479.6c/kg
Heifers over 400kg – Lowest  425c/kg, highest  440c/kg, Av 432.5c/kg
Cows up to 400kg – Lowest 344c/kg, highest  364c/kg, Av 350c/kg
Cows 400kg to 500kg – Lowest  373c/kg, highest  420c/kg, Av 405.3c/kg
Cows over 500kg – Lowest  405c/kg, highest  422c/kg, Av 413.9c/kg
Steers & bullocks up to 500kg – Lowest  437c/kg, highest  630c/kg, Av 559.5c/kg
Steers & bullocks over 500kg  – Lowest 448c/kg, highest 452c/kg, Av 448.5/kg

Store & Feeder Quotes
Steers up to 200kg – Lowest  646c/kg, highest 816c/kg, Av 707c/kg
Steers 200kg to 280kg – Lowest  574c/kg, highest 800c/kg, Av 676.2c/kg
Steers 280kg to 330kg – Lowest 600c/kg, highest 732c/kg, Av 644c/kg
Steers 330kg to 400kg – Lowest 546c/kg, highest 640c/kg, Av 596.6c/kg
Feeder steers over 400kg – Lowest  498c/kg, highest  630c/kg, Av 559.5c/kg
Heifers up to 200kg – Lowest -c/kg, highest  -c/kg, Av -c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 280kg – Lowest 576c/kg, highest  702c/kg, Av 627.5c/kg
Heifers 280kg to 330kg – Lowest  498c/kg, highest 628c/kg, Av 564.4c/kg
Heifers 330kg to 400kg – Lowest  466c/kg, highest 570c/kg, Av 555.5c/kg
Feeder heifers over 400kg – Lowest  466c/kg, highest  550c/kg, Av 516.2c/kg
Feeder/Boat Bulls – Lowest 353c/kg, highest  496c/kg, Av  477.2c/kg
Slaughter Bulls – Lowest 320c/kg, highest  380c/kg, Av  354.6c/kg



Hereford Bulls sold by WC Lowien of Kaimkillenbun to processors 370c/kg, 955kg, $3,533.

Hereford Cows sold by WC Lowien of Kaimkillenbun to processors 410c/kg, 802kg $3,290.

Angus X Cows sold by WJ Hess of Maclagan to processors 410c/kg, 715kg, $2,931.

Angus X Steers sold by Hailiang Aust. AG Dev. P/L of Westmar to feedlotters 600c/kg, 409kg, $2,454.

Santa Steers sold by RA & HS Sullivan of Moonie to processors 470.2c/kg, 560kg, $2,635.

Angus Steers sold by RA & HS Sullivan of Moonie to feedlotter 560.2c/kg, 466kg, $2,610.

Charolais X Ylg Steers sold by Hailiang Aust. AG Dev. P/L of Westmar to restocker 695.2c/kg, 328kg, $2,283.

Hereford X Ylg Steers sold by Tilquin Grazing Co. of St George to restocker 800c/kg, 211kg, $1,690.

Angus X Ylg Heifers sold by WJ Hess of Maclagan to restocker 666.2c/kg, 264kg, $1,759.

Droughtmaster X Cows & Calves sold by MA & HJ Christensen of Kaimkillenbun to restocker $3,000.


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