Click above to watch video market report from Ray White Eastern Rural’s Peter Bird
Yarding 4876 Change 431
Recent rain did not deter numbers with supply lifting by 431 head to 4,876. Once again this week some large consignments from South Australia were included in the line-up along with a penning of over 260 cow and calf units. Buyer attendance was good and all were operating in a generally dearer market. Steer and heifer calves returning to the paddock averaged 10c to 20c/kg better. Light weight yearling steers to restockers averaged 4c/kg dearer. Medium weight yearling steers to feed were firm to 3c better and a good supply of heavy weight yearling steers to feed improved by 4c/kg. The largest numbers of light weight yearling heifers sold to restockers 8c dearer and medium weights to feed lifted in price by 7c/kg. Heavy grown steers to export slaughter averaged 10c dearer and a better line up of bullocks improved by 15c/kg. However a much larger yarding of cows improved the most with gains of 12c to 18c/kg.
Steer calves returning to the paddock made to 376.2c to average 364c and heifer calves reached 336.2c to average 310c/kg. Light weight yearling steers sold to restockers at a top of 362.2c with most close to 330c/kg. Medium weight yearling steers to feed made to 300.2c with the better end averaging close to 291c/kg. Heavy yearling steers to feed made to 290c to average 282c/kg. Most of the light weight yearling heifers sold to restockers or backgrounders at an average of 292c with some to 315.2c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to feed averaged 278c and made to 285c/kg.
Heavy grown steers to export slaughter made to a top of 283.2c to average 279c and the bullock portion made to 282.2c to average 273c/kg. Medium weight 2 score cows averaged 204c with some from the far West reaching 215.2c/kg. The best of the medium weights made to 233.2c to average 226c/kg. Good heavy cows were well supplied and made to 234.2c to average 229c/kg. Heavy bulls made to 276.2c/kg.
Grant Daniel Long report:
Another good run of cows and calves this week. The market was solid to dearer with all buyers competitive. Some great rain at the end of last week has given locals a brighter outlook.
Prime Quotes:
Heifers 330kg to 400kg – Lowest 264.2c/kg, highest 285c/kg, Av 278.6c/kg
Heifers over 400kg – Lowest 255c/kg, highest 271.2c/kg, Av 260.8c/kg
Cows up to 400kg – Lowest 180c/kg, highest 209.2c/kg, Av 204.2c
Cows 400kg to 520kg – Lowest 191.2c/kg, highest 215.2c/kg, Av 204c/kg
Cows over 500kg – Lowest 220.2c/kg, highest 234.2c/kg, Av 229.7c/kg
Steers & Bullocks up to 500kg – Lowest 266.2c/kg, highest 283.2c/kg, Av 279.2c/kg
Steers & Bullocks over 500kg – Lowest 270.2c/kg, highest 282.2c/kg, Av 273.7c/kg
Store Quotes
Steers 200kg to 280kg – Lowest 303.2c/kg, highest 362.2c/kg, Av 329.8c/kg
Steers 280kg to 400kg – Lowest 278.2c/kg, highest 300.2c/kg, Av 289.2c/kg
Steers 400kg + – Lowest 266.2c/kg, highest 283.2c/kg, Av 279.2c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 280kg – Lowest 270c/kg, highest 315.2c/kg, Av 291.8c/kg
Heifers 280kg to 330kg – Lowest 264.2c/kg, highest 285c/kg, Av 278.6c/kg
Heifers 330kg to 400kg – Lowest 255c/kg, highest 271.2c/kg, Av 260.8c/kg
Charolais heifers sold by JI & LC Noller to feedlotters 289.2c, 463kg, Av $1340
Crossbred cows sold by Dempsey Nominees P/L of Tara to processors 228c, 602kg, Av $1372
Santa cows sold by Greenup P/L of Kumbia to processors 225c, 532kg, Av $1198
D/Master steers sold by AP Fairbairn of Burrandowan to feedlotters 290.2c, 395kg, Av $1147
Santa heifers sold by WJ Nelder of Bell to feedlotters 285c, 365kg, Av $1042
Hereford bulls sold by Bexa P/L of Drillham to processors 242.2c, 671kg Av $1625
Hereford cows sold by Bexa P/L of Drillham to processors 229.2c, 667kg, Av $1529
D/Master steers sold by Merrawindi Pastoral Co of Millmerran to feedlotters 286.2c, 439kg, Av $1257
Hereford cows sold by Moogoon Pty Ltd of Goondiwindi to processors 217.2c, 522kg, Av $1134
Taylor Dennis Pastoral of Blackall sold Santa cows & calves, cows medium frame, 10 years, store condition, calves 1-3mths $1420
Taylor Dennis Pastoral of Blackall sold Angus cows, aged, light condition, young calves at foot $1320
JD Berghofer of Kingaroy sold Simbrah cows 9 yrs., large frame, strong store condition, young calves $1720
Source: NLRS, Ray White Eastern Rural, Grant Daniel Long