Yarding 4047 Change +351
The number of cattle penned at Dalby increased by 351 head to 4,047, and included in the lineup was one large consignment of 638 head from Moonie.
Export buyer attendance was good with a return to a full panel of export processors, and some of the restocker buyers of last week from central Queensland returned. Prices improved across most classes with yearling steers improving by 10c to 25c/kg.
However the heifer portion to restockers and feed experienced gains of 15c to 30c/kg and more in places. All classes of cows also sold to a dearer market with improvements of 15c to 20c/kg.
Light weight yearling steers under 200kg made to 542c the under 280kg lines made to 520c with a large number at 456c/kg. Yearling steers under 330kg to restockers and made to 466c/kg. Yearling steers to feed for the domestic market averaged from 359c to 405c with isolated sales to 452c/kg. A good supply of heavy weight yearling steers to feed averaged 359c and made to 372c/kg.
Light weight yearling heifers made to 418c with the largest numbers at 349c/kg. Yearling heifers to feed averaged from 311c to 342c and sold to 366c/kg. Heavy weight yearling heifers to feed made to 336c/kg. Medium weight cows made to 256c to average 246c/kg. Heavy weight 3 score cows averaged 264c and the best of the cows averaged 274c and made to 278c/kg. Heavy weight bulls made to 287c/kg.
Cows and calves made to $2,050/unit. Market
Market Reporter: Trevor Hess
For full NLRS report click here
Link to Dalby Regional Saleyards site for agents draw for upcoming sale
Grant Daniel Long report
Buyer attendance improved this week with the usual panel present and most operating this week to various levels of demand. Overall, the market was firm on last week, trending dearer across almost all classes. Heifers experienced the greatest price increase with tops sales reaching 418c/kg, light weight yearling heifers across the board sold up to 50c/kg dearer and feeder heifers up 20 to 30c/kg. Most other classes of cattle improved by 10 to 20c/kg on average. Bullocks and heifers going to processors experiences very little change, there really were not many bullocks to quote with a lot of heavy steers this week being put onto feed.
Prime Quotes
Heifers up to 400kg – 260c/kg, 302c/kg, 280c/kg
Heifers over 400kg –295c/kg, 310c/kg, 300c/kg
Cows up to 400kg –212c/kg, 257c/kg, 210c/kg
Cows 400kg to 500kg –230c/kg, 260c/kg, 246c/kg
Cows over 500kg –231c/kg, 278c/kg, 262c/kg
Steers & bullocks up to 500kg –287c/kg, 287c/kg, 287c/kg
Steers & bullocks over 500kg –278c/kg, 278c/kg, 278c/kg
Store & Feeder Quotes
Steers up to 200kg –462c/kg, 542c/kg, 521c/kg
Steers 200kg to 280kg –370c/kg, 520c/kg, 455c/kg
Steers 280kg to 330kg – 250c/kg, 466c/kg, 400c/kg
Steers 330kg to 400kg –255c/kg, 378c/kg, 359c/kg
Feeder steers over 400kg – 206c/kg, 372c/kg, 359c/kg
Heifers up to 200kg –340c/kg, 418c/kg, 403c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 280kg –252c/kg, 388c/kg, 348c/kg
Heifers 280kg to 330kg –231c/kg, 348c/kg, 342c/kg
Heifers 330kg to 400kg –235c/kg, 366c/kg, 311c/kg
Feeder heifers over 400kg –242c/kg, 336c/kg, 315c/kg
Feeder/Boat Bulls –255c/kg, 325c/kg, 314c/kg
Slaughter Bulls – 242c/kg, 284c/kg, 255c/kg
D/Master Bulls sold by Davemac Enterprises of The Gums to processors 271.2c/kg, 820.0kg, $2224.
D/Master Cows sold by Ancona Pastoral Co of Tara to processors 271.2c/kg, 626.4kg, $1699.
Angus Heifers sold by Harrold Holdings P/L of Kingsthorpe to processors 290.0c/kg, 542.5kg, $1573.
Charolais X Heifers sold by KC Guy of Westmar to feedlotters 366.2c/kg, 388.5kg, $1423.
Santa X Steers sold by Whyenbah Development of St George to feedlotters 350.2c/kg, 529.5kg, $1854.
Angus Ylg Steers sold by BNK Pastoral of Kingaroy to feedlotters 420.2c/kg, 334.3kg, $1405.
Santa X Ylg Heifers sold by KC Guy of Westmar to feedlotters 348.2c/kg, 333.7kg, $1162.
Sources: NLRS, Eastern Rural, GDL