
Dalby sale 13 July 2022: Export cattle down 20-30c

Beef Central 14/07/2022

Yarding 5317 Change  +788

Agents at Dalby penned 5,317 cattle up by 788 head, with 942 from far western Queensland and 306 from NSW with the balance from the local supply area. All the regular feeder buyers and wholesalers were present along with a full panel of restockers however not all export processors were represented. The yarding was mixed with several runs of well bred yearlings and cows and bullocks which sold to improved rates most of the other classes sold to cheaper trends with the exception of well bred yearling steers. The lesser quality lines received limited competition. Heavy yearling feeder steers were back by 11c/kg. Yearling heifers to feed also reduced in price along with grown steers. However bullocks to processors gained 28c/kg pushed by additional supermarket support. Heavy cows reduced in price by 20ckg.

A large sample of yearling steers in the 200 to 280kg range to restockers made 690c to average 543c/kg. Yearling steers over 280kg returning to the paddock averaged 557c and made to 576c/kg. Yearling steers over 330kg to feed made 558c to average 503c with those to restockers selling to 560c/kg. Heavy yearling steers to feed made 544c to average 472c/kg. Yearling heifers in the 200 to 280kg range to background made 552c to average 438c/kg. Yearling heifers to feed for the domestic market made 432c and those to background made 468c/kg. Yearling heifers over 330kg to feed made 460c to average 404c/kg. Heavy yearling heifers to feed sold to 448c and averaged 418c/kg.

Grown steers to feed held firm selling to 440c and averaged 439c/kg. Bullocks to processors averaged 382c with some to the local meat trade to 444c/kg. Grown heifers to the wholesale meat trade made 406cto average 371c/kg. Light weight cows to processors averaged 286c and sold to 290c/kg. Good heavy score 3 cows made 325c to average 296c/kg. Heavy bulls made 320c to average 248c/kg. Cows and calves sold to $2,775/unit with P T I C cows to $1,850/head.

Market Reporter: Errol Luck

To view full NLRS report click here

Grant Daniel Long report

Good yarding here at Dalby this week with 5317 yarded today. Most of the usual buyers were present with a few export buyers not active. Market was generally softer across all categories with cattle to export down 20–30c/kg on average. Light weight yearling steers to feed remained firm.

Prime Quotes
Heifers up to 400kg – 250c/kg, 386c/kg, 318c/kg
Heifers over 400kg –340c/kg, 440c/kg, 380c/kg
Cows 400kg to 500kg –170c/kg, 290c/kg, 245c/kg
Cows over 500kg –220c/kg, 325c/kg, 295c/kg
Steers & bullocks over 500kg –312c/kg, 444c/kg, 382c/kg

Store & Feeder Quotes
Steers up to 200kg –478c/kg, 600c/kg, 546c/kg
Steers 200kg to 280kg –368c/kg, 690c/kg, 542c/kg
Steers 280kg to 330kg – 480c/kg, 576c/kg, 555c/kg
Steers 330kg to 400kg –318c/kg, 560c/kg, 500c/kg
Feeder steers over 400kg – 350c/kg, 544c/kg, 472c/kg
Heifers up to 200kg –404c/kg, 436c/kg, 421c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 280kg –340c/kg, 552c/kg, 438c/kg
Heifers 280kg to 330kg –400c/kg, 468c/kg, 445c/kg
Heifers 330kg to 400kg –300c/kg, 478c/kg, 404c/kg
Feeder heifers over 400kg –346c/kg, 448c/kg, 418c/kg
Feeder/Boat Bulls –264c/kg, 456c/kg, 390c/kg
Slaughter Bulls – 220c/kg, 320c/kg, 248c/kg


Santa Bulls sold by Havelock Station of Dalby to processors 264.2c/kg, 825.0kg, $2180.

Santa Cows sold by NW, R & CT James of Taroom to processors 305.0c/kg, 683.3kg, $2084.

Droughtmaster X Cows sold by TM Newman of Kingaroy to processors 305.0c/kg, 655.0kg, $1998.

Charolais X Heifers sold by Weeroona Family Trust of Taroom to processors 380.2c/kg, 565.0kg, $2148.

Santa X Steers sold by Corrunovan Cattle Co of Dalby to feedlotters 478.2c/kg, 456.7kg, $2184.

Charolais X Steers sold by Krank Industries Rural Services of Jandowae 350.0c/kg, 697.5kg, $2441.

Hereford X Steers sold by Abarue Pty Ltd of Bollon to processors 398.2c/kg, 534.0kg, $2126.

Santa X Steers sold by T & VM Jackson of Kingaroy to feedlotters 498.2c/kg, 467.1kg, $2327.

Angus X Steers sold by MJ Grimes of Dalby to feedlotters 514.2c/kg, 451.3kg, $2320.

Santa Ylg Steers sold by G Crumpton & Sons of Kingaroy to backgrounders 624.2c/kg, 237.4kg, $1482.

Santa Ylg Heifers G Crumpton & Sons of Kingaroy to restockers 474.2c/kg, 305.8kg, $1450.

Sources: NLRS, Eastern Rural, Grant Daniel Long



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