Yarding 5291 Change +90
All the regular buyers were in attendance and operating.
The reduction in prices experienced nationwide continued.
Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock averaged 50c/kg less.
Yearling steers to feed sold to a market 30c to 40c/kg cheaper.
Light weight yearling heifers returning to the paddock averaged 22c/kg less. A large lift in the quality of the medium and heavy weight yearling heifers to feed allowed average prices to stabilise however without the better quality losses would be similar to the steers.
Cows sold to a cheaper market with reductions of 15c to 20c/kg fairly common.
The occasional light weight yearling steers with show ring potential made to 733.2c/kg.
The remainder of the light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock made to a top of 440c to average 385c and poor quality lines 280c/kg. Yearling steers under 330kg to restockers made to 408c to average 376c/kg. Yearling steers to feed for the domestic market averaged from 330c to 351c the occasional sale to 390c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed averaged 310c and made to 345c/kg.
Light weight yearling heifers returning to the paddock made to 278c to average 250c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to feed averaged from 265c to 294c with sales to 322c/kg. A good quality lineup of heavy weight yearling heifers to feed made to 328c to average 313c/kg. A good supply of bullocks made to 291c to average 280c/kg with the best returning $2,050/head. Medium weight 2 score cows averaged 202c and made to 218c/kg. Heavy weight 3 scores averaged 226c and made to 234c/kg.
The best of the heavy weight cows averaged 237c and made to 245c/kg some returning $1,629/head. Heavy weight bulls made to 279c/kg. Market Reporter: Trevor Hess
For full NLRS report click here
AGENTS DRAW NEXT SALE: Click here to see Dalby Regional Saleyards site for agents draw for upcoming sale
Grant Daniel Long report:Similar numbers at Dalby this week. Most of the usual buyers were in attendance, however one major processor was absent from the lineup. Overall, the market couldn’t hold up to the large numbers of cattle seen across saleyards and all categories softened.
Prime Quotes
Heifers up to 400kg – 212c/kg, 249c/kg, 244c/kg
Heifers over 400kg –240c/kg, 288c/kg, 268c/kg
Cows up to 400kg –100c/kg, 154c/kg, 130c/kg
Cows 400kg to 500kg –164c/kg, 218c/kg, 201c/kg
Cows over 500kg –194c/kg, 245c/kg, 237c/kg
Steers & bullocks up to 500kg –218c/kg, 287c/kg, 264c/kg
Steers & bullocks over 500kg –260c/kg, 301c/kg, 287c/kg
Store & Feeder Quotes
Steers 200kg to 280kg –263c/kg, 440c/kg, 384c/kg
Steers 280kg to 330kg – 260c/kg, 388c/kg, 351c/kg
Steers 330kg to 400kg –240c/kg, 390c/kg, 331c/kg
Feeder steers over 400kg – 263c/kg, 342c/kg, 306c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 280kg –200c/kg, 278c/kg, 250c/kg
Heifers 280kg to 330kg –215c/kg, 308c/kg, 265c/kg
Heifers 330kg to 400kg –226c/kg, 322c/kg, 294c/kg
Feeder heifers over 400kg –240c/kg, 328c/kg, 292c/kg
Feeder/Boat Bulls –200c/kg, 358c/kg, 290c/kg
Slaughter Bulls – 210c/kg, 279c/kg, 255c/kg
Simmental X Bulls sold by DWJ & JC Bradshaw of Wandoan to processors 279.2c/kg, 973.8kg, $2719.
Simbrah Cows sold by JM Allan & Sons of Blackall to processors 245.2c/kg, 664.5kg, $1629.
Simbrah Heifers sold by JM Allan & Sons of Blackall to processors 288.2c/kg, 592.3kg, $1707.
Santa Heifers sold by Bell Brothers of Taroom to processors 279.2c/kg, 646.7kg, $1805.
Simbrah Heifers sold by JM Allan & Sons of Blackall to feedlotters 328.2c/kg, 506.7kg, $1663.
Charolais X Heifers sold by JR Ferguson of Jimbour to feedlotters 308.2c/kg, 375.6kg, $1157.
Santa Steers sold by GC & JA Peck of Blackall to processors 291.2c/kg, 704.0kg, $2050.
Charolais X Steers sold by BA & RE Campbell of Goondiwindi to feedlotters 338.2c/kg, 459.4kg, $1554.