Yarding 1340 Change -90
The better quality Angus feeder cattle continue to sell to solid competition selling at fully firm rates in another relatively small yarding.
Numbers dropped by 100 for a yarding of 1340. Prime cattle were in limited supply with a fair percentage of the yarding showing the effects of the season and cold conditions. There was a fair selection of feeder cattle along with some good runs of cows most of which lacked finish. There were a few pens of well finished grown heifers but no prime grown steers yarded. Most of the regular buyers were in attendance and operating including the return of a northern feeder operator.
NLRS advises the few young cattle to the trade were close to firm with vealers selling to 298c while prime heifer yearlings sold to 295c/kg.
The best of the feeder cattle were fully firm depending on breed most though were 8c to 11c cheaper with the feeder steers selling from 250c to 324c with the medium and heavy weights averaging 304c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 240c to 295c with the medium and heavy weights here averaging 280c/kg.
Young restocker cattle were 8c to 14c cheaper with quality a factor. The young steers sold from 240c to 296c with the calves weighing between 200kg and 280kg averaging 277c/kg. The young heifers going back to the paddock sold to 245c/kg.
There were no prime grown steers to quote. Grown steers to the feeders though were a little dearer selling from 300c to 328c/kg. Grown heifers were 4c dearer with the better medium and heavy weights selling from 244c to 282c with the medium weights averaging 265c/kg.
Plain conditioned cows to the processors were up to 25c dearer while the better finished cows were 2c/kg dearer. 2 score cows sold from 160c to 194c while the better 3 and 4 scores sold from 176c to 248c with the prime heavy weights averaging 232c/kg. There were a couple of runs of good quality cows to suit the restockers which were PTIC. They were up to 40c dearer selling from 186c to 194c to average 189c/kg.
Bulls were 3c cheaper with the better muscled prime heavy weight bulls selling from 210c to 249c to average 232c/kg.
Read full NLRS report here