Yarding 2000 Change 737
Numbers lifted while quality remained mixed.
There were plenty of light and plain weaners, along with better supply of feeder steers and heifers. Additionally, there were a few better runs of medium weights. Grown steers were also better supplied and carrying some weight.
Around 500 cows were offered to a larger group of buyers.
Weaner steers to restockers and feeders held firm, making from 210c to 284c/kg. Medium and heavy feeder steers were 2c to 4c cheaper, receiving from 285c to 332c/kg. Medium weight feeder heifers lifted 13c and made from 260c and 285c/kg. Heavy weights eased 4c to average 286c/kg.
Trade cattle gained 10c, with the heavy weights receiving from 288c to 302c/kg. Grown steers and bullocks were 25c stronger, and the quality was much better, with most receiving from 280c to 314c/kg. 2 tooth heifers reached a top of 297c/kg.
Cows eased 10c to 12c on the heavy weights and 15c to 20c/kg on the plainer cows. The 2 score medium weights sold from 176c to 216c/kg. Heavy 3 and 4 score cows made from 206c to 252c, with the prime heavy weights averaging 244c/kg.
Source: NLRS