
$2 million upgrade to Roma Saleyards launched

Beef Central 18/11/2019

More than $2 million in improvements at the Roma Saleyards will improve capacity and productivity for the more than 400,000 cattle that move through the yards each year.

The upgrades, which were supported by $1.2 million from the Queensland’s Government’s Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program, were officially opened last week by Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe.

“Importantly, this project alone supported 17 jobs and the saleyards are the centre for cattle operations that enable jobs for many, many more, from stock agents and graziers to transport operators and canteen staff.

“The saleyards celebrated its 50th anniversary in October and these improvements mean they should prosper for the next 50 years,” Mr Hinchliffe said.

“It’s an incredibly busy hub, with cattle being bought, sold and transported across Australia and overseas.

“In fact, Queensland exported more than $5.8 billion of beef exports in the past financial year.

“Economically, the yards are really significant to Roma and the Maranoa region and are a growing destination for tourists looking for a unique regional experience.”

Maranoa Regional Council Mayor Tyson Golder thanked the Palaszczuk Government for the funding to complete the project.

“These works offer better cattle flow and improved capacity in the saleyards,’ Mr Golder said.

“Along with more receival and delivery yards, one of the many benefits of the improvements is the efficiency in operations and the reduced stress on the stock.

“The outcome of this project, which supports the industry, has a positive economic benefit for our community, offers better animal welfare and is a wonderful example of what can be achieved when our two levels of government work together for the community.”

Statewide the 2017-19 Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program.program has a budget of $60 million, which helps councils deliver key infrastructure projects. For more information:



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