Buyers from southern states operated heavily on better quality, well-bred lines of cattle at the annual Alice Springs Show Weaner and Steer sale last Thursday.
Elders’ Alice Springs branch reported that a large crowd was in attendance.
The strongest competition came for bigger lines of well bred, heavier steers with a premium for the limited number of EU cattle on offer, Elders reported.
Mt Riddock Station offered an outstanding run of cattle which were described as the standout feature of the yarding and sold to spirited competition.
The top line averaged 416.9kg and made 181c/kg, coming out at $754.59 per head, while the second draft averaged 370.5kg and reached the market top at 182c/kg with both drafts being purchased by Charlton Feedlot.
Quality crossbred steers were seen throughout the yarding with good competition offered on heavier types.
RA & S Coppock, Waite River station, offered a quality run of fresh, well-grown weight for age cattle that sold to strong demand with one line averaging $588 per head.
Lighter steers in the Elders run were well supported with Elders Roseworthy and Princess Royal operating on these lines.
The better prices came for the larger lines of well-bred Droughtmaster cross Santa calves from Atula Station reaching a top of 149c/kg.
The yarding of heifers was generally of good quality although competition was limited on many lines and generally sold to a weaker than recent comparative sale rates. Mt Riddock Station’s heifers once again stood out with their second line of EU
Hereford heifers topping at 132c/kg. Other lines of heavier heifers struggled to crack the 100c/kg mark while lighter Santa type heifers offered by Atula Station reached 112c/kg.
The yarding offered by other agents consisted of mixed quality cattle across the board with limited competition.