TSBE Food Leaders Australia have launched the program for the Protein 2020 Conference and feedlot tour to be held in Dalby on March 4 and 5.
Previously known as the Intensive Animal Industry Conference, the event brings together the dairy, pork, beef and poultry industries with the view to share best practice, advocate for common policy change and allow collaboration across the sectors.
With reliable grain production, significant infrastructure spending in air, road, and rail and available workforce, Southern Queensland continues to see strong investment in the intensive beef, pork, poultry and dairy sectors.
The full day conference will include four sessions to discuss:
- Future needs and availability of water for our Intensive Animal Industries
- African Swine Fever – threats and opportunities for our nations protein providers
- Industry updates and key investments
- Brightest new innovations assisting our protein sectors
There is a site tour of Grassdale Feedlot the following day, March 5.
To view the full program, click
4 March 2020
9.00am – 7.00pm
Site Tour:
5 March 2020
9.00am – 12.00pm
Dalby Events Centre, Dalby QLD
Parking available at event location
TSBE Member Price – $155
Non Member – $195